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IESW Institute for Environmental, Social and Work Psychology

The focus is on analyzing the interplay between environmental factors, human experience, and behavior.

Human experience and behavior originate from dispositional characteristics, but are also influenced by the contexts in which they occur. At the same time, people influence their environment through their behavior. Prejudice and discrimination are not only the  result of personality traits, but also an expression of specific group constellations and social contexts. Working environments influence individual health and well-being, technological developments influence everyday living environments.

The Institute contributes to answering central and current social questions.

  • How can the acceptance of environmentally friendly technologies and lifestyles be promoted?
  • What factors can contribute to the reduction of discrimination?
  • How can public and private spaces be designed in a humane way?
  • How can work be designed to promote health?

The members of the Institute are explicitly involved in the transfer of research to politics, society and organizations.


The members of the institute conduct basic and applied research.

The focus is on the analysis of the interplay of environmental variables, human experience and behavior in three contexts:

a) People and their (built) environment,
b) people in social groups and
c) people and work.

The members of the Institute use a variety of methodological approaches (e.g., experimental designs, (longitudinal) survey data, ambulatory assessment, multi-level analyses, big data). Where possible, the Institute's research is based on open science principles.

Research fields:

  • Diversity
  • Prejudice & Discrimination
  • Work and health/ resilience
  • New ways of working
  • Personality manifestations in indoor spaces
  • Social & ecological sustainability
  • Urban planning & quality of public spaces
  • Technology acceptance and immissions

Platforms & Services:

  • Policy advice
  • Prevention and intervention
  • Advice for employers
  • Advice for NGOs
  • Advice for health insurance companies
  • Policy papers
  • Public lectures
  • Press releases and interviews

Prof. Dr. Claudia Harzer
Professor for Psychological Assessment
Research interests:

  • Role of character strengths at work
  • Character strengths-related person-environment fit
  • Role of character strengths for mental health
  • Survey method, test construction and test adaptation

Prof. Dr. Marco Weber-Harzer
Professor for Psychological Assessment
Research interests:

  • Role of personality traits for mental health
  • Indicators of mental health
  • Relationships between determinants and indicators of mental health
  • Test construction and test adaptation

Prof. Dr. Sylvie Vincent-Höper
Professor for Work and Organizational Psychology
Research interests:

  • Health-promoting leadership
  • Stressors and resources in health care and social welfare
  • Evaluation of Workplace Health Promotion interventions

Prof. Dr. habil. Roman Soucek
Professor for Work and Organizational Psychology
Research interests:

  • Resilience and psychological well-being in the work context
  • Work intensity, information overload, digital stress
  • Evaluation of Human Resources and Organizational Development interventions
  • Escalation of commitment, ethical decision-making

Prof. Dr. Anja Baethge
Professor for Work and Organizational Psychology
Research interests:

  • Working conditions and the effect on health
  • Commitment and self-endangerment
  • Resilience
  • Temporal dynamics

Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Professor for Social Psychology
Research interests:

  • Sustainable consumer behavior
  • Acceptance of renewable energies
  • Technical assistance systems for the elderly
  • Persuasive communication
  • Social influence

Prof. Dr. Mathias Kauff
Professor for Social Psychology
Research interests:

  • Diversity
  • Prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination
  • Intergroup contact

Prof. Dr. Lena Lämmle
Professor for Health Psychology
Research interests:

  • Personality manifestation in built space
  • Political architecture
  • Democracy research
Research assistants:

Dr. Esther Kroll
Postdoctoral researcher

  • Diversity rationale
  • Modern racism
  • Ethnic minorities in the world of work

Valentin Leschinger
Junior Researcher

  • Acceptance of renewable energies

Hauke Meyer
PhD student

  • Organizational Change and Health

Florian Müller
Junior Researcher

  • Stress effects of wind turbines

Vera Straßburger
PhD student

  • Social norms
  • Intergroup contact
  • Social cohesion
  • Identity recognition and misrecognition

Dr. David Tigges
Research assistant - focus on teaching

  • Interpersonal attraction
  • Human sexuality

Melissa Maria Estrella
Research assistant

  • Interprofessional competencies & collaboration in healthcare
  • Diagnostics & Evaluation
  • Medical & Health Education

Jan-Felix Palnau
PhD student

  • Research-based app development for vegan nutrition as an environmentally protective behavior

Kristine Hartwig
PhD student

  • Susceptibility to disinformation
  • Belief in conspiracies
  • Gender-inclusive language

Dr. Tahira Mubashar
Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Postdoctoral Researcher in the project of Prof. Dr. Claudia Harzer on "Character strengths and persuasion skills of employees with protector roles"
  • Character strengths and signature strengths use and their work-related outcomes at employee and organizational levels

Natalia Penner
External PhD student

  • Character strengths and work-related performance
  • The role of character strengths and signature strengths use in the transition from school to vocational training

Lucia Wentzlaff

  • Mental health
  • Diversity-sensitive prevention
  • Social identity and discrimination

Leon Hebart

  • Prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents
  • Prosocial behavior
  • Robot-assisted interventions

Mustafa Barie Azizi
PhD student

  • Reconciliation
  • Person and group perception
  • collective narcissism

Björn Bottler

PhD student

  • Work stress and health among young professionals
  • Self-compassion as a resilience factor in the work context
Research projects
StArT: On the influence of self-esteem-threatening work stressors, social support and self-compassion on mental health and turnover intention in novice nurses

Project management: Prof. Dr. Anja Baethge
Duration: 2024-2026
Participating disciplines: Work and organizational psychology

Character strengths and persuasion skills of employees with protector roles

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Claudia Harzer
Research assistant: Dr. Tahira Mubashar
Duration: 11/2023 - 10/2024
Funded by: OCEG (Open Compliance and Ethics Group)

PartEEnschaften - Transformative Participation for Renewable Energy Landscapes - Value Creation, Participation, Acceptance(Open Compliance and Ethics Group)

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Duration: 2023 - 2026
Disciplines involved: Social psychology, environmental psychology

Continuation of the German participation in IEA Wind TCP Task 28 Social Science of Wind Energy Acceptance

Project manager: Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Disciplines involved: Social psychology, environmental psychology

Social integration through pro-contact norms? The influence of social norms on the willingness to engage in intergroup contact

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Mathias Kauff & Prof. Dr. Oliver Christ (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Disciplines involved: Social psychology

Online platform for adolescents and young adults on the topic of mental health (JUST-P2P)

Project leaders: Prof. Dr. Mathias Kauff, Prof. Dr. Johanna Schröder & Prof. Dr. Sebastian Trautmann
Research assistance: Lucia Wentzlaff, Leon Hebart
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Disciplines involved: Social psychology, clinical psychology

Continuation of German participation in IEA Wind TCP Task 28 Social Science of Wind Energy Acceptance

Project manager: Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Disciplines involved: Social psychology, environmental psychology

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Disciplines involved: Social psychology


Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gundula Hübner
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Disciplines involved: Social psychology, environmental psychology



  • Demerouti, E., Roth, C., Ebner, K., Soucek, R., & Moser, K. (2024). Toward a better understanding of self-regulation promoting interventions: When performance management and job crafting meet. Human Resource Management, 63(5), 849–867.
  • Kauff, M., Lämmle, L., Kroll, E., Gehring, L., Soucek, R., & Asbrock, F. (2024). Should the city be for everyone? The relationship between worldviews, ideological attitudes, and the approval of hostile design. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, (34)4, e2867.
  • Moser, K., Paul, K. I., Soucek, R., Eskofier, A., & Galais, N. (accepted). The first-person effect. A reconsideration of two meta-analyses. PLoS ONE.
  • Soucek, R., Voss, A. S., Drexler, H., & Moser, K. (2024). New ways of working and psychological well-being: Work intensity as a target variable of job resources. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 17(4), 353–366.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2024). Rethinking the assessment of work intensity: Development and validation of a verbal questionnaire and pictorial scales. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 68(4), 188–199.
  • Stojko, L., Lin, L., Soucek, R., Moser, K., & Koch, M. (2024). Introducing a gamification element in enterprise collaboration platforms: Only a flash in the pan or a lasting effect? Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.
  • Van Dick, R., Baethge, A., & Junker, N.M. (2024). Editorial: Implications of remote work on employee well-being and health. Frontiers in Organazational Psychology, 2, 1498944. doi: 10.3389/forgp.2024.1498944
  • Vahle-Hinz, T., Deci, N., & Baethge, A. (2024). Intensifying and protective? – how organizational culture shapes the effect of work scheduling autonomy on the relationship between time pressure and self-endangering work behaviours. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–15.


  • Baethge, A., Menhardt, A.-K., Frontzkowski, Y., & Schilbach, M. (2023). Two sides of the same coin: Motivating and demotivating mediation paths of time pressure and their relationship with strain. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.1080/10615806.2023.2183389
  • Blumendeller, E., Gaßner, L., Mueller, F. J. Y., Pohl, J., Hübner, G., Ritter, J. & Cheng, P. W. (2023). Quantification of amplitude modulation of wind turbine emissions from acoustic and ground motion recordings. Acta Acoustica, 7, 55.
  • Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Nguyen, H. H. V., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., …, Kauff, M., …, Żółtak, T. (2022). Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. PNAS, 119(44), e2203150119.
  • Hübner, G., Leschinger, V., Müller, F.J.Y., & Pohl., J. (2023). Broadening the social acceptance of wind energy - an Integrated Acceptance Model. Energy Policy, 173, 113360.
  • Kauff, M., Bührmann, T., Gölz, F., Simon, L., Lüers, G., van Kampen, S., Kraus de Camargo, O., Snyman, S., & Wulfhorst, B. (2023). Teaching interprofessional collaboration among future healthcare professionals. Frontiers in Psychology. 14,
  • Kauff, M.*, Kotzur, P. F.*, Van Assche, J., Schäfer, S. J., van Zalk, M. H. W., & Wagner, U. (2023). A longitudinal test of secondary transfer effects of negative intergroup contact and mediating processes. European Journal of Social Psychology.
    (* shared first authorship)
  • Kern, M., Semmer, N., & Baethge, A. (2023). Energized or Distressed by Time Pressure? The Role of Time Pressure Illegitimacy. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
  • Kretzschmar, A., Harzer, C., & Ruch, W. (2023). Character strengths in adults and adolescents: Their measurement and association with well-being. Journal of Personality Assessment, 105, 34-47. doi:10.1080/00223891.2022.2043879
  • Mubashar, T., & Harzer, C. (2023). Character strengths at work: Predictive role of signature strengths and demanded strengths for work role performance and deviant behavior. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 17(1), 21-38.
  • Mubashar, T., & Harzer, C. (2023). It takes two to tango: Linking signature strengths use and organizational support for strengths use with organizational outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(4), 897-918.
  • Müller, F. J. Y., Leschinger, V., Hübner, G., & Pohl, J. (2023). Understanding subjective and situational factors of wind turbine noise annoyance. Energy Policy, 173, 113361.
  • Schilbach, M., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2023). Linking Job Stressors to Resilience Outcomes: Affective Response Patterns as an Explanatory Mechanism. Journal of Business and Psychology. LIR Best Paper Award for Applied Research 2023
  • Soucek, R. (2023). Resilienz im Arbeitskontext. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 58(7), 414–417.
  • Soucek, R., & Deci, N. (2023). Hybrides Arbeiten und Resilienz. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 58(7), 418–420.
  • Soucek, R. (2023). Resilienz im Arbeitsleben [Editorial]. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 58(7), 411.
  • Soucek, R., Weber, C., Gunkel, J., & Degenhardt, B. (2023). Diary studies: Capturing real-time experiences in the workplace. In C. Tagliaro, M. Orel, & Y. Hua (Eds.), Methodological approaches for workplace research (pp. 82–94). Routledge.
  • Van Assche, J., Swart, H., Dhont, K., Schmid, K., Al Ramiah, A., Christ, O., Kauff, M., ..., & Hewstone, M. (2023). Intergroup contact is reliably associated with reduced prejudice even in the face of group threat and discrimination. American Psychologist.
  • Voss, A. S., & Soucek, R. (2023). Arbeitsverdichtung: Ursachen, Formen, Folgen und Präventionsmaßnahmen. sicher ist sicher, 74(12), 546–549.
  • Voss, A. S., & Soucek, R. (2023). Der Arbeitsverdichtung auf der Spur. Gute Arbeit, 35(1), 29–32.


  • Becker, C., Soucek, R., & Göritz, A. S. (2022). Activity-based working: How the use of available workplace options increases perceived autonomy in the workplace. Work: A journal of prevention, assessment & rehabilitation, 73(4), 1325–1336.
  • Gaßner, L., Blumendeller, E., Müller, F. J. Y., Wigger, M., Rettenmeier, A., Cheng, P. W., Hübner, G., Ritter, J., & Pohl, J. (2022). Joint analysis of resident complaints, meteorological, acoustic, and ground motion data to establish a robust annoyance evaluation of wind turbine emissions. Renewable Energy, 188, 1072–1093.
  • Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Nguyen, H. H. V., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., …, Kauff, M., …, Żółtak, T. (2022). Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. PNAS, 119(44), e2203150119.
  • Kauff, M. (2022). Muslim = Terrorist? Attribution of violent crimes to terrorism or mental health problems depend on perpetrators’ religious background. The Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Lämmle, L., von Lindern, E., Rummel, D., Michaeli, M., & Ziegler, M. (2022). Shedding light onto the city blues myth – The Potential of Stimulating and Activating Effects of Urban Public Spaces and the Role of City Relatedness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13):7606.
  • Mühlenmeier, M., Rigotti, T., Baethge, A., & Vahle-Hinz t. (2022). The Ups and Downs of the Week: A Person-Centered Approach to the Relationship Between Time Pressure Trajectories and Well-Being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
  • Palnau, J. Ziegler, M., & Lämmle, L. (2022). You are what you eat and so is our planet: Identifying dietary groups based on personality and environmentalism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15):9354.
  • Schilbach, M., Arnold, M., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2022). Hindrance demands as a boundary condition to the appraisal of challenge demands. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 1-10. doi:10.1080/10615806.2022.2108019
  • Schilbach, M., Haun, V. C., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2022). The Challenging and Hindering Potential of Time Pressure: Qualitative Job Demands as Suppressor Variables. Journal of Business and Psychology. doi:10.1007/s10869-022-09844-w
  • Schilbach, M., Selenko, E., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2022). Work in times of Brexit: explanatory mechanisms linking macropolitical events with employee well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(5), 655-666. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2021.2019709
  • Soucek, R. (2022). Für eine gute Erholungsfähigkeit. Weiterbildung – Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends, 33(1), 9–11.
  • Soucek, R. (2022). Resilientes Verhalten: Grundlagen und Facetten von Bewältigungsstrategien. dvb forum, 61(2), 54–58.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2022). A picture is worth a thousand words: Pictorial scales for the assessment of work intensity. EWOP in Practice, 16(1), 45–59.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2022). Arbeitsverdichtung – wissenschaftliche Erschließung eines (un)bekannten Konstrukts. DGUV forum, 14(7), 9–12.
  • Soucek, R., & Ziegler, M. (2022). Organisationale Resilienz und Vielfalt. DGUV Forum, 14(4), 12–14.
  • Teetzen, F., Bürkner, P. C., Gregersen, S., & Vincent-Höper, S. (2022). The mediating effects of work characteristics on the relationship between transformational leadership and employee well-being: A metaanalytic investigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 3133.
  • Weber, M., & Harzer, C. (2022). Relations between character strengths, school satisfaction, enjoyment of learning, academic self-efficacy, and school achievement: An examination of various aspects of positive schooling. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 826960. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.826960
  • Wehner, C., Kirchhoff, S., Ziegler, M., & Lämmle, L. (2022). Bringing light into the dark: associations of fire Interest and fire setting with the Dark Tetrad. Frontiers in Psychology,13.


  • Adler, M., Vincent-Höper, S., Vaupel, C., Gregersen, S., Schablon, A., & Nienhaus, A. (2021). Sexual harassment by patients, clients, and residents: investigating its prevalence, frequency and associations with impaired wellbeing among social and healthcare workers in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5198.
  • Baethge, A., Junker, N. M., & Rigotti, T. (2021). Does work engagement physiologically deplete? Results from a daily diary study. Work & Stress, 35(3), 283-300.
  • Becker, C., Soucek, R., Gunkel, J., Lütke Lanfer, S., & Göritz, A. S. (2021). Tagebuchstudie zu Activity-Based Flexible Offices: Wie das Zusammenspiel von Arbeitsaufgabe und Arbeitsort das psychische Wohlbefinden fördert. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 65(3), 153–164.
  • Ebner, K., Soucek, R., & Selenko, E. (2021). Perceived quality of internships and employability perceptions: The mediating role of career-entry worries. Education + Training, 63(4), 579–596.
  • Harzer, C., Bezuglova, N., & Weber, M. (2021). Incremental validity of character strengths as predictors of job performance beyond general mental ability and the Big Five. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:518369. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.518369
  • Holzwarth, S., Gunnesch-Luca, G., Soucek, R., & Moser, K. (2021). How communication in organizations is related to foci of commitment and turnover intentions. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 20(1), 27–38.
  • Kauff, M., Anslinger, J., Christ, O., Niemann, M., Geierhos, M., & Huster, L. (2021). Ethnic and gender-based prejudice towards medical doctors? The relationship between physicians’ ethnicity, gender, and ratings on a physician rating website The Journal of Social Psychology.
  • Kauff, M., Stegmann, S., van Dick, R., Beierlein, C., & Christ, O. (2019). The Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS) - Measuring beliefs in the instrumentality of ethnic diversity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22(4),494-510.
  • Kroll, E., Veit, S., & Ziegler, M. (2021). The discriminatory potential of modern recruitment trends—A Mixed-Method study from Germany. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 634376. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.634376
  • Lämmle, L., & Ziegler, M. (2021). Our Vulnerable Dark Side – Two Laboratory Approaches. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 3941.
  • Lämmle, L., Nussbeck, F. W., & Ziegler, M. (2021). Hello from the other side: can we perceive the others’ darkness? Observers’ accuracy of the Dark Triad. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103(1), 106-119.
  • Mueller, S.; Göttke‐Krogmann, B.; Kortus, J.; Wiechmann, M.; Weber, M.; Mozek, S.; Mau, W.; Golla, A.; Hübner, G.(2021). SmartCards as analogous tools to operate tablet computers for elderly - A feasibility Study. Healthcare, 9, 1198.
  • Pohl, J., Rudolph, D., Lyhne, I., Clausen, N.-E., Aaen, S. B., Hübner, G.,Kørnøv, L. & Kirkegaard, J. K. (2021). Annoyance of residents induced by wind turbine obstruction lights: A cross-country comparison of impact factors. Energy Policy, 156, 112437. j.enpol.2021.112437
  • Schäfer, S., Kauff, M., Kros, M., Prati, F., Lang, T., & Christ, O. (2021). Does negative contact undermine attempts to improve intergroup relations? Deepening the understanding of negative contact and its consequences for intergroup contact research and interventions. Journal of Social Issues.
  • Schilbach, M., Baethge, A, & Rigotti, T. (2021). Do Challenge and Hindrance Job Demands prepare Employees to demonstrate Resilience? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(3), 155-174.
  • Stein, M., Schümann, M., Teetzen, F., Gregersen, S., Begemann, V., & Vincent-Höper, S. (2021). Supportive leadership training effects on employee social and hedonic well-being: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(6), 599–612.
  • Wehner, C., Ziegler, M., Gödeke, W., & Lämmle, L. (2021). Further Inflaming the Discussion or Cooling Down Feelings? The Relationship between the Dark Triad and the Five Factor Model of Personality. Personality and Individual Differences


  • Ando, K., Ohnuma, S., Hübner, G. & Hui, L. D. (2020). Comparing the Effect of Personal Communication and Mass Media on Energy Saving Behaviors: Cross -Cultural Study in Japan, China and Germany. Journal of Environmental Information Science, 2020 (2), 19-30. Dorg/10.11492/ ceispapersen.2020.2_19
  • Baethge, A., Vahle-Hinz, T., & Rigotti, R. (2020). Coworker Support and its Relationship to Allostasis During a Workday—A Diary Study on Trajectories of Heartrate Variability during Work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(5), 506-526. doi:10.1037/apl0000445
  • Baur, C., Soucek, R., Kühnen, U., & Baumeister, R. F. (2020). Unable to resist the temptation to tell the truth or to lie for the organization? Identification makes the difference. Journal of Business Ethics, 167(4), 643–662.
  • Becker, C., Soucek, R., & Lütke Lanfer, S. (2020). Open Space Büros als Ressource für Arbeit und Freizeit – Förderung des Handlungsspielraums und resilienten Verhaltens zur Sicherstellung von Work-Life-Balance. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 22(3), 25–32.
  • Ebner, K., Soucek, R., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Incongruities between values, motives, and skills: Exploring negative effects of self-exploration in career coaching. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(4), 454–476.
  • Haun*, V. C., & Baethge*, A. (2020). The moderating role of work-related rumination in nurses’ sleep quality trajectory during morning shift work. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 19(4), 151–163. BEST PAPER AWARD *geteilte Erstautorenschaft
  • Kauff, M., Asbrock, F., Schmid, K. (2020). Pro-diversity beliefs and intergroup relations. European Review of Social Psychology.
  • Kauff, M., Beneda, M., Paolini, S., Bilewicz, M., Kotzur, P., O’Donnell, A., Stevenson, C., Wagner, U., & Christ, O. (2020). How do we get people into contact? Predictors of intergroup contact and drivers of contact seeking. Journal of Social Issues.
  • Kauff, M., Schmid, K., & Christ, O. (2020). When good for business is not good enough: Effects of pro-diversity beliefs and instrumentality of diversity on intergroup attitudes. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0234179.
  • Kersten, M., Vincent-Höper, S., & Nienhaus, A. (2020). Stress of dialysis nurses—analyzing the buffering role of influence at work and feedback. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 802.
  • Moser, K., Wolff, H.-G., & Soucek, R. (2020). Process accountability as a de-escalation technique: How time moderates the dual role of information search. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 19(2), 63–74.
  • Moser, K., Wolff, H.-G., Soucek, R., & Ziegler, M. (2020). Deeskalationstechniken: Ein Überblick. Report Psychologie, 45(6), 18–26.
  • Schilbach, M., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2020). Why employee psychopathy leads to counterproductive workplace behaviours: an analysis of the underlying mechanisms. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(5), 693-706.
  • Soucek, R., & Rupprecht, A. (2020). Supervisor feedback as a source of work engagement? The contribution of day-to-day feedback to job resources and work engagement. EWOP in Practice, 14(1), 70–89.
  • Soucek, R., Schlett, C., & Pauls, N. (2019). Stark im Arbeitsleben – Instrumente zur Erfassung und Förderung von Resilienz. In J. Heller (Hrsg.), Resilienz für die VUCA-Welt (S. 101–113). Springer.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2020). Zeige mir, wie verdichtet deine Arbeit ist! Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 55(10), 614–617.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2020). Arbeitsverdichtung: Ursachen, Formen und Folgen. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 55(9), 543–546.
  • Soucek, R., & Voss, A. S. (2020). Neue Formen der Arbeitsverdichtung [Editorial]. Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, 55(9), 531.
  • Stein, M., Schümann, M., & Vincent-Höper, S. (2020). A conservation of resources view of the relationship between transformational leadership and emotional exhaustion: The role of extra effort and psychological detachment. Work & Stress, 35(3), 241-261.
  • Stein, M., Vincent-Höper, S., & Gregersen, S. (2020). Why busy leaders may have exhausted followers: A multilevel perspective on supportive leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(6), 829–
  • Stein, M., Vincent-Höper, S., Schümann, M., & Gregersen, S. (2020). Beyond mistreatment at the relationship level: Abusive supervision and illegitimate tasks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2722.
  • Ślebarska, K., & Soucek, R. (2020). Change of organizational newcomers’ unmet expectations: Does proactive coping matter? PLoS ONE, 15(12), e0243234.
  • Vincent-Höper, S., Adler, M., Stein, M., Vaupel, C., & Nienhaus, A. (2020). Sexually harassing behaviors from patients or clients and care workers’ mental health: Development and validation of a measure. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2570.
  • Vincent-Höper, S., Lengen, J. C., Kersten, M., & Gregersen, S. (2020). Analysis of job-related demands and resources in ambulatory youth welfare services: a qualitative and quantitative approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2941.
  • Vincent-Höper, S., Stein, M., Nienhaus, A., & Schablon, A. (2020). Workplace aggression and burnout in nursing—The moderating role of follow-up counseling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3152.
  • Ziegler, M., Soucek, R., & Moser, K. (2020). Eskalierendes Commitment: Warum Menschen an fehlgehenden Handlungssträngen festhalten. Report Psychologie, 45(6), 8–10.


  • Ando, K., Sugiura, J., Ohnuma, S., Tam, K.-P., Hübner, G.& Adachi, N. (2019). Persuasion game: Cross cultural comparison. Simulation & Gaming, 50 (5), 532 - 555.
  • Baethge, A., Deci, N., Rigotti, T., & Dettmers, J. (2019). “Some days won’t end ever”: Working faster and longer as a boundary condition for challenge versus hindrance effects of time pressure. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 24(3), 322-332. doi:10.1037/ocp0000121
  • Haac, T.R., Kaliski, K., Landis, M., Hoen, B., Rand, J., Jeremy, F., Elliott, D., Hübner, G., Pohl, J. (2019): Wind turbine audibility and noise annoyance in a national U.S. survey: Individual perception and influencing factors. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146 (2), 1124- doi: 10.1121/1.5121309
  • Hübner, G., Pohl, J., Hoen, B., Firestone, J., Rand, J., Elliot, D. & Haac, T. R. (2019). Monitoring annoyance and stress effects of wind turbines on nearby residents: A comparison of U.S. and European samples. Environment International, 132.
  • Hoen, B., Firestone, F., Rand, J., Elliot, D., Hübner, G., Pohl, J., Wiser, R., Lantz, E., Haac, T. R., Kaliskig, K. (2019). Attitudes of U.S. wind turbine neighbors: Analysis of a nationwide survey. Energy Policy, 134,110981.
  • Kersten, M., Vincent-Höper, S., Krampitz, H., & Nienhaus, A. (2019). Development and evaluation of a training program for dialysis nurses–an intervention study. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 14(1), 1-10.
  • Pauls, N., Krogoll, T., Schlett, C., & Soucek, R. (2018). Interventionen zur Stärkung von Resilienz im Arbeitskontext. In M. Janneck & A. Hoppe (Hrsg.), Gestaltungskompetenzen für gesundes Arbeiten (S. 71–85). Springer.
  • Schulte-Braucks, J., Baethge, A., Dormann, C., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2019). Get even and feel good? Moderating effects of justice sensitivity and counterproductive work behavior on the relationship between illegitimate tasks and self-esteem. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(2), 241-255. doi:10.1037/ocp0000112
  • Shehu, E., Roggendorf, S., Golla, A., Hübner, G., Stangl, G. I., Lau, A., Diestelhorst, A., Vordermark, D., Steckelberg, A. & Schmidt, H. (2019). Multimodale Supportivintervention zur Förderung der körperlichen Funktionsfähigkeit älterer Krebspatientinnen und Krebspatienten. Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport, 35, 212–216.
  • Shehu, E., Roggendorf, S., Golla, A., Hübner, G., Stangl, G. I., Lau, A., Diestelhorst, A., Vordermark, D., Steckelberg, A. & Schmidt, H. (2019). Development of a complex supportive intervention to promote physical functioning of older cancer patients, considering individual plasticity (sidekick). Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 10 (6), p. 66. DOI: 10.1016/S1879-4068(19)31229-9
  • Moser, K., Soucek, R., Galais, N., & Roth, C. (2019). Onboarding – Neue Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter integrieren. Report Psychologie, 44(5), 12–20.
  • Ślebarska, K., Soucek, R., & Moser, K. (2019). Increasing proactive coping in organizational newcomers: Improving job adaptation or rocking the boat? Journal of Career Development, 46(3), 295–313.
  • Stein, M., Vincent-Höper, S., Deci, N., Gregersen, S., & Nienhaus, A. (2019). Compensatory coping through the extension of working hours: The buffering role of leader-member exchange. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 63(3), 115–128.
  • Vahle-Hinz, T., Baethge, A., & van Dick, R. (2019). Beyond one work day? A daily diary study on causal and reverse effects between experienced workplace incivility and behaving rude towards others. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(2), 272–285.
  • Vincent-Höper, S., & Stein, M. (2019). The role of leaders in designing employees’ work characteristics: Validation of the health- and development-promoting leadership behavior questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1049).
  • Vincent-Höper, S., & Stein, M. (2019). The Leader Support for Innovation Questionnaire (LSIQ): Development and validation of a measure for assessing leader support for innovation. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(8), 898–915.
  • Ziegler, M., Soucek, R., & Moser, K. (2019). Eskalierendes Commitment bei Finanzentscheidungen: Wie robust ist der Wahleffekt im Kontext eines rundenbasierten Aktienplanspiels? Wirtschaftspsychologie, 21(4), 6–19.



Book chapters

  • Kranefeld, I., Schilbach, M., Baethge, A., & Rigotti, T. (2024). Workplace Indicators: Job Satisfaction, Turnover, and Productivity. In M.-L. Germain (Ed.), Psychopathy in the Workplace: Coping Strategies for Employees (pp. 73-85). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Soucek, R. (2023). Resiliente Mitarbeitende. In B. Badura, A. Ducki, J. Baumgardt, M. Meyer, & H. Schröder (Hrsg.), Fehlzeiten-Report 2023 (S. 307–316).
  • Soucek, R., Weber, C., Gunkel, J., & Degenhardt, B. (2023). Diary studies: Capturing real-time experiences in the workplace. In C. Tagliaro, M. Orel, & Y. Hua (Eds.), Methodological approaches for workplace research (pp. 82–94). Routledge.
  • Harzer, C., & Weber, M. (2022). Region of western Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland). In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, H. Yang, I. Zettler, & M. Muyan-Yılık (Eds.), The international handbook of positive psychology: A global perspective on the science of positive human existence (Chapter 7). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-57354-6_7
  • Soucek, R., Schlett, C., & Pauls, N. (2022). Interventionen zur Förderung von Resilienz im Arbeitskontext. In A. Michel & A. Hoppe (Hrsg.), Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit (S. 85–99). Springer.
  • Harzer, C., Weber, M., & Huebner, E. S. (2021). School as a positive learning and working environment. In C. R. Snyder, S. J. Lopez, L. M. Edwards, & S. C. Marques, The Oxford handbook of positive psychology (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199396511.013.45
  • Moser, K., Soucek, R., & Göritz, A. S. (2019). Begabtenförderungswerke als öffentliche Karriereentwicklungssysteme. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (S. 269–289). Springer.
  • Moser, K., Paul, K., Soucek, R., & Wolff, H.-G. (2019). Planung und Evaluation organisationspsychologischer Interventionen. In H. Schuler & K. Moser (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch Organisationspsychologie (6. Auflage, S. 591–638). Hogrefe.
  • Moser, K., Soucek, R., & Göritz, A. S. (2019). Begabtenförderungswerke als öffentliche Karriereentwicklungssysteme. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (S. 269–289). Springer.
  • Soucek, R., Pauls, N., Schlett, C., Moser, K., & Göritz, A. S. (2019). Resilire: Erfassung und Förderung von Resilienz als individuelle und betriebliche Kompetenz. In V. Heyse, J. Erpenbeck, & S. Ortmann (Hrsg.), Kompetenzen voll entfaltet (S. 95–108). Waxmann.
  • Soucek, R., Schlett, C., & Pauls, N. (2019). Stark im Arbeitsleben – Instrumente zur Erfassung und Förderung von Resilienz. In J. Heller (Hrsg.), Resilienz für die VUCA-Welt (S. 101–113). Springer.
  • Soucek, R., Ziegler, M., Schlett, C., & Pauls, N. (2018). Resilienz als individuelle und organisationale Kompetenz: Inhaltliche Erschließung und Förderung der Resilienz von Beschäftigten, Teams und Organisationen. In M. Janneck & A. Hoppe (Hrsg.), Gestaltungskompetenzen für gesundes Arbeiten (S. 27–37). Springer.