Residents' experience of acoustic and seismic WTG emissions
Despite compliance with immission control guide values, residents can be disturbed by wind turbine emissions. To date, there has been no standardized procedure for nuisance analysis and objective measurements over longer periods of time to enable a comparative assessment and transferable reduction approaches to be derived.
Our interdisciplinary research question is how meteorology and the geological subsurface interact in the propagation of noise and ground movement, how wind turbine noise is perceived and assessed by people, which factors influence perception and which measures are perceived as relieving in certain weather conditions. Building on the experience of our predecessor project TremAc, we are conducting an interdisciplinary problem analysis through surveys and measurements of meteorological, acoustic and seismic parameters. Recommendations for mitigation approaches will be derived from the data and evaluated.
The overall objectives of the Inter-Wind project are to derive transferable analytical approaches and recommendations to guide problem analysis, mitigation measures and noise and ground motion propagation predictions for wind farms in regions with rocky ground. We work together with the municipality and the citizens' initiative Windkraftanlagen Kuchen as well as the operators of the Tegelberg and Lauterstein wind farms.
Wind speed, atmospheric stratification, cloud cover and precipitation and the respective propagation of sound waves in the air (acoustics) and elastic waves in the ground (seismology) are to be measured at the WINSENT wind turbine test field. Surveys of local residents will be carried out before and after the construction of the two research wind turbines planned for the test field. In order to find transferable approaches, the measurements go beyond the test field: parallel measurements and surveys of local residents are carried out at the nearby Tegelberg and Lauterstein wind farms.
The project is being carried out by: Environmental and Social Psychology at MSH Medical School Hamburg and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Geophysical Institute at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-GPI), Stuttgart Chair of Wind Energy at the Institute of Aircraft Design (SWE), Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)