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ISM Institute for Systems Medicine

Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Betrachtung von Systemen des menschlichen Körpers als Teil eines integrierten Ganzen

Dieses interdisziplinäre Forschungsgebiet betrachtet die Systeme des menschlichen Körpers als Teil eines integrierten Ganzen und bezieht biochemische, physiologische und Umwelt-Interaktionen ein, um das größere Bild - sei es auf der Ebene des Organismus, des Gewebes oder der Zelle - zu verstehen, indem es die Teile zusammensetzt.

Unser Ziel ist die Systemmedizinische Forschung, die Implementierung und Beratung im Bereich der Hochdurchsatzdaten und der bioinformatischen und statistischen Forschungsmethoden in der Medizin.

Unsere Aufgaben

  • Aufbau von Forschungsmodulen in der Lehre - auf der Systemebene im Bereich BIG Data, Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und klinische Forschung, Metaanalysen
  • Eigene Forschungsschwerpunkte: Systemonkologie, Chronomedizin, Systembiologie, Epidemiologie, Public (Mental) Health, Systemneurowissenschaften, Klinische Neurowissenschaften
  • Epidemiologische und systemmedizinische Forschung: Translationaler Ansatz, um molekulare Forschung und klinische sowie bevölkerungsbasierte Studien zu verbinden
  • Medizinische Informatik und Digitalisierung: Methoden der Computerbiologie und Bioinformatik für die Analyse von Hochdurchsatzdaten, Entwicklung und Implementierung von Datenbanken
  • Aufbau einer internen Service Facility für RNA Quantifizierung/Sequenzierung, Chronobiologie, und Systemonkologie für die Charakterisierung von Tumorzellen und Wirkstofftests
  • Bioinformatische Analyse von Daten (rechnerisch)
  • Repräsentation der Fächer Systemmedizin in (inter)nationalen Konsortien, Fachgesellschaften und Institutionen

Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs @ ISM - Aktivitäten und Mentoring

  • Jahressymposium ISM (Präsenzveranstaltung im Nov/Dez)
  • Monatliches »Lunch-Seminar« (online): Kurze virtuelle Vorträge (15 Minuten plus 10 Minuten Diskussion)
  • Sommer-Forschungspraktikum: Projekte für die vierwöchigen Praktika können die Zusammenarbeit mit einer oder mehreren Gruppen des ISM beinhalten. Die verfügbaren Projekte werden zu Beginn des Kalenderjahres an dieser Stelle bekannt gegeben.
  • Bachelor-, Master und Promotionsprojekte werden an dieser Stelle bekannt gegeben.
  • Wir bieten Karriereberatung für interessierte Studierende an.
Lunchtime-Seminare im Rückblick

Die ISM-Gruppen forschen auf Systemebene mit großen Datensätzen und mit starkem klinischen Anwendungsbezug. Die Bereiche Systembiologie, Systemneurowissenschaft und Epidemiologie bilden die Schwerpunkte des Instituts. Die hier angesiedelten Arbeitsgruppen decken dabei einen breiten Bereich ab, der u. a. Chronomedizin und Systembiologie, Klinische und Genetische sowie Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Motorische Systeme (Bewegungswissenschaften) und Epidemiologie und Public (Mental) Health umfasst. Wir nutzen u. a. die Infrastruktur des »Biomedical Research Labs« und die Labore des IRE Institute of Research and Education an der MSH.

Abb.1 ISM

Abb 1. ISM-Forschung. Die Bereiche Systembiologie, Systemneurowissenschaft und Epidemiologie bilden die Schwerpunkte des Instituts


  • Systembiologie
    Chronomedizin & Systembiologie
  • Systemneurowissenschaft
    Klinische & Genetische Neurowissenschaft
    Kognitive Systeme
  • Epidemiologie
    Epidemiologie & Public (Mental) Health


  • EEG, Psychophysiologie, (f)MRT, non-invasive Hirnstimulation, Verhaltensparadigmen
  • Epidemiologie, prospektive bevölkerungsbasierte Kohortenstudien, Strukturgleichungsmodelle
  • Systematische Reviews und Metaanalysen, RCTs
  • Bioinformatik, mathematische Modellierung, Omics, Statistik, experimentelle Systemmolekularbiologie, Machine-Learning-Algorithmen

Platforms & Services:

  • Medizininformatik
  • Plattform für Hochdurchsatzdaten
  • Service Unit Biometrie





Prof. Dr. Susan Garthus-Nigel

Prof. Dr. Angela Relógio

Prof. Dr. Jan Beucke

Dr. Ariane Göbel

Dr. Deeksha Malhan

Dr. Julia Franke

Lydia Rihm, M.Sc. Psych.

Dr. Müge Yalcin

Lennart May, M.Sc. Psych

Bianka Vollert, Dipl.-Psych.

Dr. Nina Nelson

Annika Schönbohm, M.Sc. Psych

Ionna Hansen, M.Sc.
Dr. Oliver Zimmer

Dr. Alexander Seidel

Nina Schurig, M.Sc. M.A.

Lisa Gottschlich, BTA

  Fatemeh Karini (SHK)  






Prof. Dr. Jutta Peterburs

Prof. Dr. Henning Budde

Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitt

Dr. Annakarina Mundorf



Christina von der Assen, M.Sc. Psych.



Sarah Alina Merklein, B.Sc. Psych (SHK)




Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

„RESPECT“ (A Prospective Mixed-Methods-REsearch Project on Subjective Birth Experience and PErson-Centred Care in ParenTs and Obstetric Health Care Staff)

Die Rolle des Zerebellums bei der Feedbackverarbeitung

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jutta Peterburs
Laufzeit: 2020 – 2024
Beteiligte Institutionen: Psychologie (Düsseldorf), Neurologie (Essen), Medizinische Psychologie (Düsseldorf, MSH)

Fehler- und Feedbackverarbeitung bei eigenen und beobachteten Handlungen bei Patienten mit Zwangsstörung

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jutta Peterburs
Laufzeit: 2020 – 2024
Beteiligte Institutionen: Klinische Psychologie (Düsseldorf), Medizinische Psychologie (MSH)



Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Jan Carl Beucke, Prof. Dr. David Mataix-Cols (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)
Laufzeit: 2020 – laufend
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Klinische Psychologie/Psychiatrie,Neuroimaging und Psychophysiologie, Verhaltensgenetik, (Epi)genetik, Psychoneuroimmunologie


„DREAM“ (DResdner Studie zu Elternschaft, Arbeit und Mentaler Gesundheit)

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. habil. Susan Garthus-Niegel
Laufzeit: 01.08.2017 – 31.07.2024
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Psychologie, Medizin

„INVITE“ (INtimate partner VIolence care and Treatment prEferences in post-partum women)

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. habil. Susan Garthus-Niegel; Dr. Julia Schellong
Laufzeit: 01.07.2020 – 31.01.2025
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Psychologie, Medizin


TimeTeller: A molecular-computational tool to monitor circadian rhythms and predict optimal treatment timing in patients

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. habil. Angela Relógio
Laufzeit: 2020 – 2024
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Systembiologie, Genomik, zirkadiane Medizin, Bioinformatik, Maschinelles Lernen

Entwicklung Nicht-Invasiver Methoden Zur Charakterisierung
Der Biologischen Uhr In Peripheren Menschlichen Geweben

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. habil. Angela Relógio
Laufzeit: 2019 – 2022
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Molekularbiologie, Systembiologie, Genomik, zirkadiane Medizin, Bioinformatik


Die Rolle Der Zirkadianen Uhr In Der Tumorentstehung

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. habil. Angela Relógio
Laufzeit: 2017 – 2021
Beteiligte Disziplinen: Molekularbiologie, Genomik, Zellbiologie, Pharmakologie



  • Bergunde, L., Karl, M., Borrmeister, M., Jaramillo, I., Weise, V., Mack, J.T., ... & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). The effect of maternal childhood maltreatment on postpartum mother–child bonding and maternal hair glucocorticoids. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), 2317674.
  • Bergunde, L., Rihm, L., Lange, L. S., Darwin, Z., Iles, J., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Family mental health research–the importance of adopting a family lens in the perinatal period and beyond. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(4), 565-568.
  • Bergunde, L., Steudte-Schmiedgen, S., Karl, M., Jaramillo, I., Gao, W., von Soest, T., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Stability and inter-family associations of hair endocannabinoid and N-acylethanolamines across the perinatal period in mothers, fathers, and children. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9459.
  • Berlijn, A.M.*, Huvermann, D.M.*, Groiss, S.J., Schnitzler, A., Mittelstaedt, M., Bellebaum, C., Timmann, D., Minnerop, M., Peterburs, J. (2024). The effect of cerebellar TMS on error processing: A combined single-pulse TMS and ERP Study. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-19.
  • Berlijn, A.M., Huvermann, D.M., Schneider, S., Bellebaum, C., Timmann, D., Minnerop, M., & Peterburs, J. (2024). The Role of the Human Cerebellum for Learning from and Processing of External Feedback in Non-Motor Learning: A Systematic Review. Cerebellum (London, England).
  • Beucke, J.C., Diez, I., Sepulcre, J., Mundorf, A., Kaufmann, C., Orr, S.P., Pitman, R.K., Shin, L.M. (2024). A late-life neurogenetic signature of exposure to combat stress – A monozygotic discordant twin study, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 171, 230-237.
  • Buyukcan-Tetik, A., Seefeld, L., Bergunde, L., Ergun, T. D., Dikmen-Yildiz, P., Horsch, A., Garthus-Niegel, S., Oosterman, M., Lalor, J., Weigl, T., Bogaerts, A., Van Haeken, S., Downe, S., & Ayers, S. (2024). Birth expectations, birth experiences and childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers and birth companions: Dyadic investigation using response surface analysis. British journal of health psychology.
  • Costa, E., Gongora, M., Bittencourt, J., Marinho, V., Cagy, M., Teixeira, S., Nicoliche, E., Fernandes, I., Machado, C., Wienecke, J., Ribeiro, P., Gupta, D.S., Velasques, B., Budde, H. (2024). Decrease in reaction time for volleyball athletes during saccadic eye movement task: A preliminary study with evoked potentials. PLoS ONE.
  • Handelzalts, J.E., Kalfon-Hakhmigari, M., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Work-family conflict: emphasis on families in modern work environments. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(2), 139-141.
  • Hesse, J., Nelson, N., & Relógio, A. (2024) Shaping the future of precision oncology: Integrating circadian medicine and mathematical models for personalized cancer treatment. Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 37, 100506.
  • Horsch, A., Garthus-Niegel, S., Ayers, S., Chandra, P., Hartmann, K., Vaisbuch, E., & Lalor, J. (2024). Childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder: definition, risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 230(3S), 1116-1127.
  • Kim, B.G., Kim, G., Abe, Y., Alonso, P., Ameis, S., Anticevic, A., Arnold, P.D., Balachander, S., Banaj, N., Bargalló, N., Batistuzzo, M.C., Benedetti, F., Bertolín, S., Beucke, J.C., Bollettini, I., Brem, S., Brennan, B.P., Buitelaar, J.K., Calvo, R., Castelo-Branco, M., … & Cha, J. (2024). White matter diffusion estimates in obsessive-compulsive disorder across 1653 individuals: machine learning findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group. Molecular psychiatry,
  • Malhan, D., Yalçin M., Liedtke, S., Grötsch, R., Enzmann, C., Rau, M.& Relgio, A. (2024). Exploring Circadian Rhythms as Health Indicators in Women's Aging: A Prospective Study Protocol. NPJ Women’s Health (under revision)
  • Mataix-Cols, D., Fernández de la Cruz, L., Beucke, J.C., De Schipper, E., Kuja-Halkola, R., Lichtenstein, P., & Pol-Fuster, J. (2024). Heritability of Clinically Diagnosed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Among Twins. JAMA psychiatry, e240299.
  • Mojahed, A., Mack, J. T., Staudt, A., Weise, V., Shiva, L., Chandra, P., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Prevalence and risk factors of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the population-based study DREAMCORONA. PloS one, 19(6), e0306103.
  • Monteiro, E.R., Budde, H., Silva, J.G., Oliveira, A., Novaes, J.D.S., & de Jesus, I.R.T. (2024). Enhance range-of-motion and hypotensive effect in elderly submitted to three manual therapy techniques: Cross-over study. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 37, 238-245.
  • Mundorf, A., Getzmann, S., Gajewski, P.D., Larra, M., Wascher, E., Genç, E., Ocklenburg, S. (2024). Phenotyping in clinical laterality research: a comparison of commonly used methods to determine mixed-handedness and ambidexterity. Laterality.
  • Mundorf, A., Lischke, A., Peterburs, J., Alexander, N., Bonnekoh, L.M., Brosch, K., Flinkenflügel, K., Goltermann, J., Hahn, T., Jansen, A., Meinert, S., Nenadić, I., Schürmeyer, N.N., Stein, F., Straube, B., Thiel, K., Teutenberg, L., Thomas-Odenthal, F., Usemann, P., Winter, A., Dannlowski, U., Kircher, T., & Ocklenburg, S. (2024). Handedness in schizophrenia and affective disorders: a large-scale cross-disorder study. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2024).
  • Nelson, N., & Relógio, A. (2024). Molecular mechanisms of tumour development in glioblastoma: an emerging role for the circadian clock. NPJ precision oncology, 8(1), 40.
  • Nelson, N., Malhan, D., Hesse, J., Aboumanify, O., Yalçin, M., Lüers, G. & Relógio, A. (2024). Comprehensive circadian rhythm analysis in human saliva: an integrative approach. NPJ Biological Timing and Sleep (under revision)
  • Ocklenburg, S., Mundorf, A., Gerrits, R., Karlsson, E.M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., & Vingerhoets, G. (2024). Clinical implications of brain asymmetries. Nature Reviews. Neurology.
  • Power, C., Weise, V., Mack, J.T., Karl, M., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Does parental mental health mediate the association between parents’ perceived stress and parent-infant bonding during the early COVID-19 pandemic? Early Human Development, 189, 105931.
  • Vahedi, J., Mundorf, A., Bellebaum, C., & Peterburs, J. (2024). Emotional cues reduce Pavlovian interference in feedback-based go and nogo learning. Psychological research.
  • Weise, V., Güttner, F., Staudt, A., Mack, J.T., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Relationship satisfaction and family routines of young parents before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent growth curve analysis. PloS one, 19(2), e0297740.
  • Yalçin, M., Peralta, A., Bentes, C., Silva, C., Guerreiro, T., Ferreira J., & Relógio, A. (2024). Molecular characterization of the circadian clock in patients with Parkinson's disease – CLOCK4PD Study protocol. PLoS One (accepted, in press)
  • Zieß, V., Seefeld, S., Vollert, B., Schellong, J., Garthus-Niegel, S. (2024). Familienhebammen: Beliebt, aber nicht überall bekannt. Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift, 76 (4), 50–53.
  • Budde H, Amatriain-Fernández S, Trautmann S. (accepted 2023) The potential of control conditions (sham conditions) for unspecific treatment-effects in non-inferiority trials. JAMA Psychiatry.
  • Budde H, Gronwald T, Vancampfort D. (accepted 2023) Antidepressant Effects of Physical Activity and Exercise in Children and Adolescents: Context and Differentiation Matter. JAMA Pediatrics.
  • Correira Pereira, J. C., Debrot, A., & Garthus-Niegel, S. Integrating positive psychology perspectives to support parents in their transition to parenthood: A vision for future research. Manuscript in press.
  • Dose B, Yalçin M, Dries S, Relógio A (2023). Timing Health: The Potential of Chronomedicine to Improve Performance, Prevent Disease and Optimizing treatment.  Frontiers in Digital Health. Apr 18;5:1157654.
    • Dobernecker, J., Spyridou, A., Elbert, T., Schauer, M., Garthus-Niegel, S., Ruf-Leuschner, M., Schalinski, I. (2023). Cumulative trauma predicts hair cortisol concentrations and symptoms of depression and anxiety in pregnant women – an investigation of community samples from Greece, Spain and Perú. Scientific Reports, 13(1),

  • Döblin, S., Seefeld, L., Weise, V., Kopp, M., Asselmann, E., Martini, J., Knappe, S., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2023). The impact of mode of delivery on parent-infant-bonding and the mediating role of birth experience: a comparison of mothers and fathers within the longitudinal cohort study DREAM. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 23(285), 1-18.
  • Garthus-Niegel, S. & Horsch, A. (2023). The Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology and the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology: Transitions and new beginnings. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 41(1), 1-2.
  • Garthus-Niegel, S., & Schaber, R. The impact of working conditions on postpartum depressive symptoms and family relations—re-evaluated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Psychology of Women in the (edited by Vivian Pramataroff-Hamburger and Mechthild Neises-Rudolf), Springer Nature. Manuscript in press.
  • Groenewold, N.A., Bas-Hoogendam, J.M., … Peterburs, J., … (2023). Volume of subcortical brain regions in social anxiety disorder: mega-analytic results from 37 samples in the ENIGMA anxiety working group. Molecular Psychiatry. 28, 1079–1089. Doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01933-9.
  • Hesse J, Müller T, Relógio A (2023). An integrative mathematical model for timing treatment toxicity and Zeitgeber impact in colorectal cancer cells. npj Sys Bio (under revision)
  • Karl, M., Huth, V., Schälicke, S., Müller-Stark, C., Weise, V., Mack, J. T., Kirschbaum, C., Weidner, K., Garthus-Niegel, S.*, & Steudte-Schmiedgen, S.* (2023). The association between maternal symptoms of depression and hair glucocorticoids in infants across the perinatal period. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 147, Article 105952.[1]
  • Kittel-Schneider, S. & Garthus-Niegel, S. Väter und peripartale psychische Erkrankungen: Das übersehene Elternteil? Manuscript in press.
  • Koerber, M., Mack, J. T., Seefeld, L., Kopp, M., Weise, V., Romero Starke, K., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2023). Psychosocial work stress and parent-child bonding during the COVID-19 pandemic: clarifying the role of parental symptoms of depression and aggressiveness. BMC Public Health, 23, 113. 10.1186/s12889-022-14759-5
  • Kopp, M., Lindauer, M., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2023). Association between maternal employment and the child´s mental health: a systematic review with meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,
  • Ludwig M, Basti A, Yalçin M, Schulte J, Relógio A (2023). Molecular characterization of the circadian clock in paediatric leukaemia patients: a prospective study protocol. BMC Pediatrics. Mar 4;23(1):105.
  • Malhan D, Schoenrock B, Yalçin M, Blottner D, Relógio A (2023). Circadian Regulation in Aging: Implications for Spaceflight and Life on Earth. Aging Cell (submitted).
  • Malhan D, Yalçin M, Schoenrock B, Blottner D, Relógio A (2023). Long-term spaceflights alter the biological clock in mammals and result in circadian alterations of skeletal muscle genes resembling aging-related phenotypes. npj Microgravity. Apr 3;9(1):30.
  • Mundorf A, Getzmann S, Gajewski PD, Larra MF, Wascher E, Ocklenburg S. (2023). Stress exposure, hand preference, and hand skill: A deep phenotyping approach. Laterality. 2023;1-29.
  • Mundorf, A, & Ocklenburg, S. (2023). Hemispheric asymmetries in mental disorders: evidence from rodent studies. Journal of neural transmission. Doi: 10.1007/s00702-023-02610-z
  • Nelson N, Relógio A (2023). Molecular mechanisms of tumour onset and progression in glioblastoma: an emerging role for the circadian clock. Lancet Oncol (submitted).
  • Petković M, Henis M, Heese O, Relógio A (2023). Chronotherapy in Glioblastoma: State of the art and future perspectives. EBioMedicine. Mar;89:104470.
  • Petković M, Yalçin M, Heese O, Relógio A. Differential expression of the circadian clock network correlates with tumor progression in gliomas. BMC Medical Genomics. (under revision)
  • Sant’Ana L ,Monteiro D, Budde H, Ribeiro de Souza AA, Vieira JG, Monteiro ER, Scartoni FR, Machado S, Vianna JM. (2023) Chronic Effects of Different Intensities of Interval Training on Hemodynamic, Autonomic and Cardiorespiratory Variables of Physically Active Elderly People. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI:10.3390/ijerph20095619
  • Schmitt O, Eipert P, Yonggang Wang, Atsushi Kanoke, Gratianne Rabiller, Jialing Liu (2023) Connectome-based prediction of functional impairment in experimental stroke models. bioRxiv 2023.05.05.539601; doi: 10.1101/2023.05.05.539601.
  • Schümann F, Schmitt O, Wree A, Hawlitschka A. (2023) Distribution of Cleaved SNAP-25 in the Rat Brain, following Unilateral Injection of Botulinum Neurotoxin-A into the Striatum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences Sci. 2023 Jan 14; 24(2):1685. Doi:10.3390/ijms24021685.
  • Staudt, A., Baumann, S., Horesh, D., Eberhard-Gran, M., Horsch, A.*, & Garthus-Niegel S.* (2023). Predictors and comorbidity patterns of maternal birth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms: A Latent Class Analysis. Psychiatry Research, 320, Article 115038.  
  • Steudte-Schmiedgen, S.*, Schälicke, S.*, Bergunde, L., Karl, M., Weise, V., Junge-Hoffmeister, J., Schumacher, S., von Soest, T., Weidner, K., Kirschbaum, C., & Garthus-Niegel S. (2023). Hair glucocorticoids in the context of trauma exposure and their predictive value for the development of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 148, Article 105973.
  • Abraham M., Mundorf A., Brodmann K., Freund N. (2022). Unraveling the Mystery of White Matter in Depression: A Translational Perspective on Recent Advances. Brain and Behavior. Doi: 10.1002/brb3.2629.
  • Alcaraz-Silva J, Feingold D, Viana-Torre G, Budde H, Imperatori C, Machado S, Murillo-Rodríguez E (2022). The Endocannabinoid System as a Biomarker for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications in Depression and Anxiety. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets. Doi: 10.2174/1871527321666220405114402
  • Alberts T, Antipova V, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A, Schmitt O, Kurth J, Stenzel J, Lindner T, Krause BJ, Wree A, Witt M. (2022) Olfactory Bulb Receptor Availability after Intrastriatal Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in a Unilateral 6-OHDA Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. Toxins (Basel). 25;14(2):94. Doi: 10.3390/toxins14020094.
  • Asselmann E., Garthus-Niegel S.*, Martini J.* (2022). Personality and peripartum changes in perceived social support: Findings from two prospective-longitudinal studies in (expectant) mothers and fathers. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12:814152. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.814152.
  • Asselmann, E., Garthus-Niegel, S., Knappe, S., & Martini, J. (2022). Physical and mental health changes in the five years before and five years after childbirth: A population-based panel study in first-time mothers and fathers from Germany. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 138-144.
  • Bergunde, L., Garthus-Niegel, S., Alexander, N., & Steudte-Schmiedgen S. (2022). Perinatal mental health research: Towards an integrative biopsychosocial approach. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 40(4), 325-328.
  • Bas-Hoogendam JM, Groenewold NA, Aghajani M, Freitag GF, Harrewijn A, Hilbert K, Jahanshad N, Thomopoulos SI, Thompson PM, Veltman DJ, Winkler AM, Lueken U, Pine DS, van der Wee NJA, Stein DJ; ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group (Member: Peterburs J.) (2022). ENIGMA-anxiety working group: Rationale for and organization of large-scale neuroimaging studies of anxiety disorders. Human Brain Mapping. 43(1):83-112. Doi: 10.1002/hbm.25100.
  • Basti A, Malhan D, Dumbani M, Dahlmann M, Stein U, Relógio A. Core-Clock Genes Regulate Proliferation and Invasion via a Reciprocal Interplay with MACC1 in Colorectal Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 16;14(14):3458. Doi: 10.3390/cancers14143458.
  • Brantsæter, A.L., Garthus-Niegel, S., Brandlistuen, R.E., Caspersen, I.H., Meltzer, H.M., & Abel, M.H. (2022) Mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency and emotional distress and depression in pregnancy and six months postpartum – Results from a large pregnancy cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders, 318, 347-356. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.09.009
  • Brym S., Mack J., Weise V., Kopp M., Steudte-Schmiedgen S., & Garthus-Niegel S. (2022). Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms? BMC Public Health, 22, 2426.
  • Blum, S., Mack, J., Weise, V., Kopp. M., Asselmann, E., Martini, J., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2022). The Impact of Postpartum Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms on Child Development and the Mediating Role of the Parent-Child Relationship: A Prospective Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 886347. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.886347
  • Bergunde, L., Garthus-Niegel, S., Alexander, N., & Steudte-Schmiedgen S. (2022) Perinatal mental health research: Towards an integrative biopsychosocial approach. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 40(4), 325-328. Doi: 10.1080/02646838.2022.2101781
  • Fuhr L, Basti A, Brás TS, Duarte MF, Relógio A. (2022). Antiproliferative Effects of Cynara Cardunculus in Colorectal Cancer Cells Are Modulated by the Circadian Clock. Int J Mol Sci. Aug 15;23(16):9130. Doi: 10.3390/ijms23169130.
  • Frohberg J, Bittner A, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K (2022). Early abusive relationships – Influence of different maltreatment types on postpartum psychopathology and mother-infant bonding in a clinical sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.836368.
  • Garthus-Niegel, S. & Horsch, A. The Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology and the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology: Transitions and new beginnings. Manuscript in press.
  • Garthus-Niegel S, Nakić Radoš S, Horsch A (2022). Perinatal depression and beyond – implications for research design and clinical management. JAMA Network Open. 5(6):e2218978. Doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.18978.
  • Heyne CS, Kazmierczak M, Souday R, Horesh D, Lambregtse-van den Berg M, Weigl T, Horsch A, Oosterman M, Dikmen-Yildiz P, Garthus-Niegel S. (2022). Prevalence and risk factors of birth-related posttraumatic stress among parents: a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review. 94, 102157. Doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102157.
  • Hoenig T., Edouard P., Krause M., Malhan D., Relógio A., Junge A., Hollander K. (2022). Analysis of more than 20,000 injuries in European professional football by using a citizen science-based approach: An opportunity for epidemiological research? J Sci Med Sport. 2022 Apr;25(4):300-305. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.11.038.
  • Junge-Hoffmeister J, Bittner A, Garthus-Niegel S, Goeckenjan M, Martini J, Weidner K. (2022). Subjective birth experience predicts mother-infant-bonding difficulties in women with mental disorders. Frontiers in Global Women's Health. Doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2022.812055
  • Karl, M., Huth, V., Schälicke, S., Müller-Stark, C., Weise, V., Mack, J., Kirschbaum, C., Weidner, K., Garthus-Niegel, S.*, & Steudte-Schmiedgen, S*. (2023). The association between maternal symptoms of depression and hair glucocorticoids in infants across the perinatal period. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 147, Article 105952.
  • Krysewski LM, Power Guerra N, Glatzel A, Holzmann C, Antipova V, Schmitt O, Yu-Taeger L, Nguyen HP, Wree A, Witt M. (2022) Differential Cellular Balance of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Epithelia in a Transgenic BACHD Rat Model of Huntington's Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Jul 10;23(14):7625. Doi: 10.3390/ijms23147625.
  • Knatauskaitė J, Akko D, Pukėnas K, Trinkūnienė L, Budde H (2022) Effect of acute game-based exercises on steroid hormones and cognitive performance in adolescents. Acta Psychologica. Doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103584
  • Malhan D., Basti A., Relgio A. (2022). Transcriptome analyses of clock disrupted cancer cells reveal differential alternative splicing of cancer hallmarks genes. NPJ Syst Biol Appl.  12;8(1):17. Doi: 10.1038/s41540-022-00225-w.
  • Martini J, Asselmann E, Weidner K, Knappe S, Rosendahl J, Garthus-Niegel S (2022). Prospective associations of lifetime post-traumatic stress disorder and birth-related traumatization with maternal and infant outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.842410
  • Massullo C, Bersani FS, Carbone GA, Panno A, Farina B, Murillo-Rodríguez E, Yamamoto T, Machado S, Budde H, Imperatori C. (2022) Decreased Resting State Inter- and Intra-Network Functional Connectivity Is Associated with Perceived Stress in a Sample of University Students: An eLORETA Study. Neuropsychobiology. Doi: 10.1159/000521565.
  • Machado S, Teixeira D, Monteiro D, Imperatori C, Murillo-Rodriguez E, da Silva Rocha FP, Yamamoto T, Amatriain-Fernández S, Budde H, Carta MG, Caixeta L, Souza de Sá Filho A (2022) Clinical applications of exercise in Parkinson's disease: what we need to know? Expert Rev Neurother. Doi: 10.1080/14737175.2022.2128768
  • Mojahed, A., Alaidarous, N., Shabta, H., Hegewald, J., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2022). Intimate partner violence against women in the Arab countries: a systematic review of risk factors. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(2), 390-407.
  • Mojahed, A., Büechl V., Garthus-Niegel, S. (2022). Schattenpandemie – häusliche Gewalt in Zeiten von Corona. In Gendermedizin, ist da etwas dran? Gendermedizin oder die Entdeckung der unterschiedlichen weiblichen und männlichen Physiologie (pp 40-45). Novartis Deutschland GmbH.
  • Mundorf A., Bölükbas I., Freund N. (2022). Maternal separation: Does it hold the potential to model consequences of postpartum depression? Developmental Psychobiology. 64(1):e22219. Doi: 10.1002/dev.22219.
  • Mundorf A., Matsui H., Ocklenburg S. and Freund N. (2022). Analyzing Turning Behavior after Repeated Lithium, Ketamine, or NaCl Injection and Chronic Stress Exposure in Mice. Symmetry, 14(11), 2352;
  • Ocklenburg S. & Mundorf A. (2022). Symmetry and asymmetry in biological structures. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 12;119(28):e2204881119. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2204881119.
  • Ocklenburg S., Peterburs J., Mundorf A. (2022). Hemispheric asymmetries in the amygdala: a comparative primer. Progress in Neurobiology. 214:102283. Doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2022.102283.
  • Peterburs J., Albrecht C. & Bellebaum C. (2022). The impact of social anxiety on feedback-based go and nogo learning. Psychological Research 86, 110–124 (2022).
  • Pfeifer L.S., Schmitz J., Papadatou-Pastou M., Peterburs J., Paracchini S., Ocklenburg S. (2022). Handedness in twins: meta-analyses. BMC Psychol 10, 11. Doi: 10.1186/s40359-021-00695-3
  • Sato Y, Schmitt O, Ip Z, Rabiller G, Omodaka S, Tominaga T, Yazdan-Shahmorad A, Liu J. (2022) Pathological changes of brain oscillations following ischemic stroke. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism; 42(10):1753-1776. Doi: 10.1177/0271678X221105677.
  • Schmitt O, Eipert P, Ruß F, Beier J, Kadir K, Horn A. (2022) The brainstem connectome database. Scientific Data. 12;9(1):168. Doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01219-3.
  • Schmitt O, Nitzsche C, Eipert P, Prathapan V, Hütt MT, Hilgetag CC. (2022) Reaction-diffusion models in weighted and directed connectomes. PLOS Computational Biology. 28;18(10):e1010507. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010507.
  • Seefeld L., Buyukcan-Tetik A., Garthus-Niegel S. (2022) The Transition to Parenthood: Perspectives of Relationship Science Theories and Methods. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 40(2), 105–107. Doi: 10.1080/02646838.2022.2039864
  • Seefeld L*, Mojahed A*, Thiel F, Schellong J*, Garthus-Niegel S*. (2022). Preferences and Barriers to Counselling for and Treatment of Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Postpartum Women: Study Protocol of the Cross-Sectional Study INVITE. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.836350
  • Seefeld L., Weise V., Kopp M., Knappe S., Garthus-Niegel S. (2022). Birth Experience Mediates the Association Between Fear of Childbirth and Mother-Child-Bonding up to 14 Months Postpartum: Findings from the Prospective Cohort Study DREAM. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.776922
  • Sommer, M., Knappe, S., Garthus-Niegel, S., Weidner, K., Martini, J. (2022). Die Bedeutung peripartaler mütterlicher Angst- und depressiver Störungen für die frühkindliche Entwicklung: Ergebnisse einer prospektiv-longitudinalen Studie. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 31(3), 136-143.
  • Souza J., da Silva R.A., Scheffer D., Penteado R., Solano A., Barros L., Budde H., Trostchansky A., Latini, A. (2022) Physical exercise-induced antioxidant effects on the brain and the skeletal muscle. Antioxidants. 2022; 11(5):826. Doi: 10.3390/antiox11050826
  • Tanaka KG, Russell TA, Bittencourt J, Marinho V, Teixeira S, Hugo Bastos V, Gongora M, Ramim M, Budde H, Aprigio D, Fernando Basile L, Cagy M, Ribeiro P, Gupta DS, Velasques B. (2022) Open monitoring meditation alters the EEG gamma coherence in experts meditators: The expert practice exhibit greater right intra-hemispheric functional coupling. Conscious Cogn. Doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103354
  • Thiel F*, Büechl V*, Rehberg F, Mojahed M, Daniels JK, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. (2022). Changes in Prevalence and Severity of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.874183
  • Thiel F., Hochkeppel H., Weise V., Kopp M., Baumann S., Garthus-Niegel S. (2022). Prospective associations between prepartum physical activity, birth experience, and maternal depressive symptoms in the postpartum period: Insights from the population-based DREAM cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders.  301, 138–144. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.060.
  • Yalçin M., Mundorf A., Thiel F., Amatriain-Fernández S., Schulze Kalthoff I., Beucke J.C., Budde H., Garthus-Niegel S., Peterburs J., Relógio A. (2022). It’s About Time: The Circadian Network as Time-Keeper for Cognitive Functioning, Locomotor Activity and Mental Health. Front. Physiol. 13. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.873237
  • Yamamoto T, Uchiumi C, Suzuki N, Sugaya N, Murillo-Rodriguez E, Machado S, Imperatori C, Budde H (2022) The influence of repeated mild lockdown on mental and physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a large-scale longitudinal study in Japan. Scientific Report. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12420-0.
  • Asselmann E., Garthus-Niegel S., MartiniI J. (2021). Personality impacts fear of childbirth and subjective birth experiences: A prospective longitudinal study. PLOS ONE. 16(11): e0258696. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258696.
  • Basti A.*, Yalçin M.*, Herms D.*, Hesse J., Aboumanify O., Li Y., Aretz Z., Garmshausen J., El-Athman R., Hastermann M., Blottner D., Relógio A. (2021). Diurnal variations in the expression of core-clock genes correlate with resting muscle properties and predict fluctuations in exercise performance across the day. BMJ Open Sport Exercise Medicine. 7(1): e000876. Doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000876.
  • Elsner B., Reuter B., Said M., Linnman C., Kathmann N., Beucke J.C. (2021). Impaired differential learning of fear versus safety signs in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychophysiology. 00e1– 13. Doi: 10.1111/psyp.13956.
  • Gaspar L.S., Hesse J.*, Yalçin M.*, Santos B., Carvalhas-Almeida C., Ferreira M., Moita J., Relógio A., Cavadas C., Álvaro A.R*. (2021). Long-term continuous positive airway pressure treatment ameliorates biological clock disruptions in obstructive sleep apnea. EBioMedicine. 65: 103248. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103248.
  • Hesse J.*, Martinelli J.*, Aboumanify O.*, Ballesta A., Relógio A. (2021). A mathematical model of the circadian clock and drug pharmacology to optimize irinotecan administration timing in colorectal cancer. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 19: 5170–5183 Doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.08.051.
  • Huvermann, D.M., Bellebaum, C., Peterburs, J. (2021) Selective Devaluation Affects the Processing of Preferred Rewards. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 1010–1025. Doi:10.3758/s13415-021-00904-x.
  • Knatauskaitė J., Pukėnas K., Trinkūnienė L., Budde H. (2021). Effects of Different Types of Exercise Training on Fine Motor Skills and Testosterone Concentration in Adolescents: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(16): 8243. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168243.
  • Machado S., Texeria D., Amatriain-Fernández S., Budde H., Imperatori C., Murillo-Rodriguez E., Monteiro D., Telles-Correia D., Souza Sa Filoh A. (2021). Can regular physical exercise be a treatment for panic disorder? A systematic review.  Expert review of neurotherapeutics. Doi: 10.1080/14737175.2021.2005581.
  • Monteiro E., Pescatello L.S., Winchester J.B., Corrêa Neto V.G., Brown A.F., Budde H., Marchetti P., Guilherme Silva J., Macedo Vianna J., Silva Novaes J. (2021). Effects of Manual Therapies and Resistance Exercise on Postexercise Hypotension in Women With Normal Blood Pressure. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (In Press).  
  • Murillo-Rodríguez E., Arankowsky-Sandoval G., Budde H., Imperatori C., Machado S., Yamamoto T., Yadollahpour A., Torterolo P. (2021). In Vivo Brain Levels of Acetylcholine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine after Oleoylethanolamide or Palmitoylethanolamide Administrations are Mediated by PPARα Engagement. The European Journal of Neuroscience.  Doi: 10.1111/ejn.15409.
  • Mundorf A., Peterburs J., Ocklenburg S. (2021). Asymmetry in the central nervous system: A clinical neuroscience perspective. Frontiers Systems Neuroscience. 15, 733898. Doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.733898.
  • Mundorf A., Koch J., Kubitza N., Wagner S.C., Schmidt M., Gass P., Freund N. (2021). Morc1 as a potential new target gene in mood regulation: when and where to find in the brain. Experimental Brain Research. 239(10):2999-3005. Doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06171-z.
  • Mundorf A., Kubitza N., Hünten K., Matsui H., Juckel G., Ocklenburg S., Freund N. (2021). Maternal immune activation leads to atypical turning asymmetry and reduced DRD2 mRNA expression in a rat model of schizophrenia. Behavioural Brain Research. 24;414:113504. Doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113504.
  • Nuyts T., Van Haeken S., Crombag N., Singh B., Ayers S., Garthus-Niegel S., Braeken M.A.K.A and Bogaerts A. (2021). “Nobody Listened”. Mothers’ Experiences and Needs Regarding Professional Support Prior to Their Admission to an Infant Mental Health Day Clinic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(20): 10917. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010917.
  • Packheiser J.*, Schmitz J.*, Stein C.C., Pfeifer L.S., Berretz G., Papadatou-Pastou M., Peterburs J., Ocklenburg S. (2021). Handedness and depression: a meta-analysis across 87 studies. Journal of Affective Disorders. 294. 200-209. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.052.
  • Thomson G., Diop G.Q., Stuijfzand S., Horsch A. and COST After birth Consortium (Member: Garthus-Niegel S.) (2021). Policy, service, and training provision for women following a traumatic birth: an international knowledge mapping exercise. BMC Health Services Research. Doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07238-x.
  • Weigl T., Beck-Hiestermann M.L., Stenzel N.M., Benson S., Schedlowski M., Garthus-Niegel S. (2021). Assessment of childbirth-related PTSD: Psychometric properties of the German version of the City Birth Trauma Scale. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 731537. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.731537.
  • Yalçin M., Malhan D., Basti A., Peralta A.R., Ferreira J.J., Relógio A. (2021). A Computational Analysis in a Cohort of Parkinson’s Disease Patients and Clock-Modified Colorectal Cancer Cells Reveals Common Expression Alterations in Clock-Regulated Genes. Cancers. 13. 5978. Doi: 10.3390/cancers13235978.
  • Basti A., Fior R., Yalҫin M., Póvoa V., Astaburuaga R., Li Y., Naderi J., Godinho Ferreira M., Relógio A. (2020). The Core-Clock Gene NR1D1 Impacts Cell Motility In Vitro and Invasiveness in a Zebrafish Xenograft Colon Cancer Model. Cancers. 12(4): 853
  • Furtado A., Astaburuaga R., Costa A., Duarte A.C., Gonçalves I., Cipolla-Neto J., Lemos M.C., Carro E., Relógio A., Santos C.R.A., Quintela T. (2020). The Rhythmicity of Clock Genes is Disrupted in the Choroid Plexus of the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 795-806.  Doi: 10.3233/JAD-200331.
  • Hesse J., Malhan D., Yalҫin M., Aboumanify O., Basti A., Relógio A. (2020). An Optimal Time for Treatment-Predicting Circadian Time by Machine Learning and Mathematical Modelling. Cancers (Basel). 12(11): 3103. Doi: 10.3390/cancers12113103.  
  • Li Y., Basti A., Yalçin M., Relógio A. Circadian Dysregulation of the TGFβ/SMAD4 Pathway Modulates Metastatic Properties and Cell Fate Decisions in Pancreatic. Cancer Cells. (2020). iScience. 23(10): 101551. Doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101551.
  • Yalçin M, El-Athman R, Ouk K, Priller J, Relógio A. (2020). Analysis of the Circadian Regulation of Cancer Hallmarks by a Cross-Platform Study of Colorectal Cancer Time-Series Data Reveals an Association with Genes Involved in Huntington’s Disease. Cancers (Basel). 12(4):963. Doi: 10.3390/cancers12040963
*equal contributions
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Prof. Dr. Jutta Peterburs (ISM) hat gemeinsam mit ihren internationalen Forschungskooperationspartner:innen Prof. Dr. John E. Desmond und Dr. Laura Rice von der Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD, USA) eine Studie zu Veränderungen der funktionellen Konnektivität des Gehirns im Zusammenhang mit Alkoholmissbrauch in der Fachzeitschrift Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research publiziert.

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Dr. Annakarina Mundorf (ISM), Prof. Dr. Jutta Peterburs (ISM) und die Psychologie-Studierende Annabelle Siebert haben gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. John E. Desmond von der Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD, USA) einen Übersichtsartikel zur Rolle des Kleinhirns bei der Internet Gaming Disorder in der Fachzeitschrift Addiction Biology publiziert.

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