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Scholarships / Erasmus

The MSH supports dedicated students who wish to complete a semester or internship abroad in the EU or worldwide. As an accredited university, MSH has funding available to award scholarships for international experiences to its students. Specifically, ERASMUS+ scholarships for stays in Erasmus+ program countries and PROMOS scholarships for international stays are awarded at least twice a year.


Erasmus+ is the EU program for the promotion of general and vocational education, youth, and sports in Europe (2021-2027) – Erasmus+ (

Universities participating in Erasmus+ hold an Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung (ECHE).

The EU Commission has awarded MSH Medical School Hamburg the Erasmus Charter for the new program generation 2021–2027. The international strategy of MSH regarding Erasmus+ for the period 2021-2027 is outlined in the Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027.

The Erasmus+ program (Key Action 1 / KA131) promotes the mobility of students and staff within all participating program countries Erasmus+ Programmländer – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD

Study Abroad with Erasmus+ (SMS)

Key components

  • Full waiver of tuition fees at the host university
  • Intensive support at the home and host universities
  • Linguistic preparation
  • (Partial) recognition of credits obtained abroad
  • Mobility grant according to country categories and possible additional grants
  • The duration of a single Erasmus study stay must be at least 2 months and can last up to a maximum of 12 months

Funding rates

The following monthly funding rates, as determined by DAAD, apply:

  1. Group 1 (€600 per month): Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.
  2. Group 2 (€540 per month): Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus.
  3. Group 3 (€490 per month): Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.

Additionally, a subsidy for the use of sustainable transportation and a special grant for participants with fewer opportunities may be applied for

Under certain conditions, a real cost application can also be submitted:

Application process

        1. Interested students should contact the International Office approximately 10 months before the planned start of the stay abroad. Since the number of ERASMUS spots is limited, certain selection criteria may be applied. The selection criteria set by the International Office typically include, in addition to a complete and timely application, personal motivation, language proficiency, study plans, grade point average, and volunteer engagement. It is recommended to specify both a first and second choice. The application deadlines are as follows:
          1. March 1st for a stay in the winter semester
          2. September 1st for a stay in the summer semester
  1. After being selected by the International Office for a spot in the ERASMUS program, the nomination is forwarded to the host university. Please note that the final decision on your admission or rejection will be made by the partner university (in most cases, nominations are accepted if they correspond to the agreed-upon number of spots). The host university will contact you after the nomination deadline and may request you to apply, for example, through an online portal.

For further information on the application process, please refer to the following check list

Additional information about studying abroad with Erasmus+ can be found on the DAAD website

Studium im Ausland in Erasmus+ Programmländern – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD

Internship Abroad with Erasmus+ (SMP)

Key components

  • Country-specific financial subsidies and possibly additional grants
  • Support in the preparation and implementation of the stay abroad
  • Linguistic preparation
  • Academic recognition of the internship if part of the curriculum
  • The duration of a single international internship must be at least 2 months and can last up to a maximum of 12 months.

Funding rates

The following monthly funding rates, as determined by DAAD, apply

  • Group 1 (€750 per month): Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.
  • Group 2 (€690 per month): Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus.
  • Group 3 (€640 per month): Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.

Additionally, a subsidy for the use of sustainable transportation and a special grant for participants with fewer opportunities may be applied for

Under certain conditions, a real cost application can also be submitted:

Application process

Please contact us at the International Office with your plans at least 2 months before the start of the internship abroad so that we can clarify the application process in an individual consultation. Since the number of ERASMUS spots is limited, certain selection criteria may be applied. The selection criteria set by the International Office typically include, in addition to a complete and timely application, personal motivation, language proficiency, the added value of the internship in relation to labor market requirements, grade point average, and volunteer engagement.

For further information on the application process, please refer to the following checklist

Further information on the international internship with Erasmus+ can be found on the DAAD website:

Auslandspraktikum mit Erasmus+ – Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit - DAAD

Staff Mobility with Erasmus+ (STT/STA)

Key components

Teaching Mobility

  • Existing Erasmus agreement, including teaching mobility, between MSH and the host university.
  • Mobility has been discussed with the supervisor.
  • An Erasmus short-term teaching mobility typically lasts one week, a minimum of 2 working days, with the necessary teaching workload being eight hours for the first week of stay or a shorter period.
  • Country-specific payment of flat rates for travel expenses and subsistence costs.

Staff Mobility

  • Independently organized professional training at a European partner university or company:
    • Job shadowing
    • Study visits
    • Contribution to curriculum development (lecturers)
    • Participation in workshops and seminars
    • Participation in language courses
    • The mobility has been discussed with the supervisor.
  • An Erasmus staff obility typically lasts one week, a minimum of 2 working days, and a maximum of 2 months.
  • Country-specific payment of flat rates for travel expenses and subsistence costs

Funding rates

Subsistence costs

  • Group 1: €180 per day for Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
  • Group 2: €160 per day for Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus
  • Group 3: €140 per day for Bulgaria, Republic of North Macedonia, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

Travel expenses

Distance Standard travel Green Travel

10 to 99 KM

23 EUR


100 to 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR

500 to 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR

2000 to 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR

3000 to 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR

4000 to 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1.500 EUR


Additionally, a subsidy for the use of sustainable transportation and a special grant for participants with fewer opportunities may be applied for.

Under certain conditions, a real cost application can also be submitted:

Application process

Please contact us at the International Office with your plans at least 2 months before the start of the stay abroad so that we can clarify the application process in an individual consultation. Since the number of ERASMUS spots is limited, certain selection criteria may be applied. The selection criteria set by the International Office typically include, in addition to a complete and timely application, personal motivation, language proficiency, and the added value of the mobility in terms of your personal and professional development.

For further information on the application process, please refer to the following checklist

Additional information about staff mobility with Erasmus+ can be found on the DAAD website

Further information and advice on Erasmus+ mobility measures can be obtained from:

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The responsibility for the content of this publication [communication] lies solely with the author; the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


PROMOS is a financial support program by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) aimed at assisting various international experiences during studies. It supports studying abroad and internships worldwide that are not covered by Erasmus+. Within the framework of PROMOS, MSH awards monthly partial scholarships and/or a travel allowance, depending on the duration and destination of the international stay.

It covers study abroad semesters, internships, as well as specialized and language courses abroad. Calls for applications are made twice a year based on predefined selection criteria. There is no legal entitlement to a PROMOS scholarship.

PhD students cannot be supported within the framework of study and internship scholarships, with the exception of medical students who are pursuing a PhD.

Study scholarships (1 to 6 months)

Short-term scholarships (e.g., for thesis projects) as well as scholarships for study stays of up to six months for students can be supported. 

Internships (1 to 6 months)

Internships by students must last a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months. The specific internship programs offered by DAAD are to be prioritized. For more information, please visit: Passendes Auslandspraktikum finden - DAAD

Internships can also be supported during the period between the completion of the Bachelor's degree and the start of the Master's program. A pre-admission for the Master's program or a similar document from a German university must be provided.

Language Courses (3 weeks to 6 months)

Language courses for students and doctoral candidates at universities or established language institutes abroad can be supported worldwide. If necessary, a flat-rate for the course fee can also be requested.

Stays for specialized courses for students and doctoral candidates lasting up to six weeks can be supported with monthly partial scholarship rates and/or travel allowances and/or a one-time flat-rate for the course fee. Specialized courses include, for example, summer courses at foreign universities; lecture and conference trips cannot be funded.

Scholarship Application

Please apply with the following documents:

  • Description of your project and motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current transcript of records
  • Supporting documents (e.g., social engagement, work certificates)
  • Proof of the stay abroad (e.g., Letter of Acceptance, employment contract, provisional confirmation)

Application Deadline: December 1st (for a stay between Jan-June) or June 1st (for a stay between July-Dec.)

Please submit your application complete, electronically as a single PDF file, and on time to the International Office. An internal university selection committee will decide shortly after the deadline and inform you of the result.

An overview of the country-specific allowances for stays and travel costs from DAAD can be obtained here: Förderraten Promos