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International Students

Welcome to the beautiful city of Hamburg!

Internationality is important to us. That's why we want students from all over the world to feel comfortable at our university. For this we offer you an excellent, individual support. The familial atmosphere of the MSH and the seminar work in small groups enable a good contact to German students, so that you can quickly settle into Hamburg.


If you wish to study for one or two semesters at MSH Medical School Hamburg, you can apply as a student coming from a partner university (link) (Erasmus + / SEMP / Exchange or Study Abroad Agreement) or as a so-called Free Mover (regular tuition fees apply, which can be provided upon request). If your university is a partner university (existing cooperation agreement with MSH), please inquire about the internal regulations at the International Office of your institution and note that your home university must nominate you to us before you send your application documents.

For your application, please send the following documents in digital form and in one file to the International Office:

  • MSH Application Form
  • Current Transcript of Records from your home university
  • Proof of sufficient German language skills (B2)
  • Course selection / Learning Agreement • Copy of your ID / passport
  • 1 passport photo (jpeg)
  • Proof of health insurance for the entire stay


  • Summer Semester: November 15th
  • Winter Semester: May 15th


  • Summer Semester: December 1st
  • Winter Semester: June 1st

Note: If you are interested in a complete Bachelor's or Master's program, you can apply as a regular full-time student via our application portal.

Course Offer

Currently all courses are offered in German. Therefore, sufficient German language skills are required (B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for most degree courses - C1 for medicine).

» Available modules

The complete course offer as well as the study structure can be found here:
Course Offer Bachelor programs
Course Offer Master programs
Course Offer Medicine program
Course Offer Faculty Art, Health and Social Science

Upon request, we will gladly send you the corresponding module handbooks and additional information about the course offerings and course selection.

Upon successful application, international semester students will receive their acceptance letter. Subsequently, information about the orientation week will be sent, and approximately one month before the start of the semester, students will receive their certificate of enrollment and their individual timetable.

During the orientation week, numerous welcome and information events take place. As part of the welcome event for new international semester students, buddies (students from higher semesters who act as mentors) are introduced, and a campus tour is conducted.

If requested, a German language course offered by an external partner organization can be attended. The costs for the language course will be covered by the International Office of MSH, provided this is part of the cooperation agreement with the partner university.

Advice for students with special needs:

Living in Hamburg

Finding accommodation in Hamburg