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Experimental Psychology Labs

A center for psychological and neuroscientific research

MSH maintains various research labs in the “Humboldthaus” (Am Sandtorkai 37), which provide an infrastructure for experimental-psychological data collection under highly standardized conditions. This enables us to meet the highest standards in terms of the quality of data collection and the controllability of the experimental situation. In line with the interdisciplinary and interprofessional approach of the MSH research concept, we ensure the collaborative use and close cooperation between different working groups, coordinated by the MSH research institutes, as well as the integration of research into teaching in the context of courses and the completion of theses. Scientific staff supervise the experimental psychology laboratories to ensure the technical integrity of the research and to co-ordinate activities during the planning and implementation of individual projects.. Research activities range from the collection of classical response performance data to the collection of psychophysiological and biochemical parameters and non-invasive brain stimulation, using a broad spectrum of current measurement and stimulation methods.

Research Lab I (collection of behavioral data)

Research Lab I is primarily used to carry out cognitive, emotional and motivational psychological studies with the collection of behavioral data (in particular reaction time recording) during visual-auditory stimulation and is equipped with independent individual measuring stations. Several soundproof booths (StudioBox) with PCs, headphones and microphones are used for this purpose, which are equipped with the usual software packages for experimental psychological test control (Matlab, E-Prime, Presentation, Inquisit, PsychoPy). In addition to equivalent hardware and software equipment, these cabins have sound insulation, lighting regulation and air conditioning.

Research Lab II (psychophysiology, eye movement measurement)

In addition to collecting behavioral data, Research Lab II allows neuroscientific and psychophysiological parameters to be recorded. A total of three spacious soundproof cabins are available for this purpose. Recording systems with active electrodes for 64-channel EEG (can also be operated as separate 32-channel systems) are available for measuring electroencephalography (EEG) (BrainAmp, Brain Products); peripheral physiological parameters such as skin conductance, electrocardiogram, electromyogram and respiration can also be recorded. To analyze pupillometric and eye movement data, the lab has an SR Eye Link Portable Duo incl. desktop-mount and head-mount (SR Research).

Research Lab III (stress induction, social interaction)

Research Lab III contains separate rooms for the performance, preparation and follow-up of stress induction procedures (Trier Social Stress Test, Cold Pressor Test) and recording stress reactivity with the appropriate equipment. The rooms can also be used flexibly for other research purposes.

Research Lab IV (laser stimulation, brain stimulation, quantitative sensitivity testing)

Research Lab IV has a particularly spacious soundproof cabin (360 cm x 300 cm), especially for carrying out examinations with laser or brain stimulation and simultaneous recording of electroencephalographic data. A DC stimulator for tDCS, tACS, tRNS (DC-Stimulator Plus, NeuroConn) is used to stimulate specific brain regions; a 64-channel EEG system with an additional 8 AUX channels (actiCHamp Plus, Brain Products) is used for encephalographic recording. In addition, a complete test battery is available for quantitative sensitivity testing. These measurement methods can be used to detect and objectify peripheral and/or central disorders of somatosensory and nociceptive signal conduction as part of clinical neurophysiological diagnostics.


Scientific management

Prof. Dr. habil. Tilo Strobach
Chair of General Psychology
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Prof. Dr. habil. Mike Wendt
Professor of General Psychology
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