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ITM Institute for Translational Medicine

Research at the interface between the laboratory and the healthcare system

The ITM stands for research at the interface between basic and clinical research. We use basic knowledge and new technologies to develop innovative and safe medicines to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Our goal is biomedical research and the promotion of young scientists.

Our tasks:

  • Establishment and further development of cellular and systemic experimental models for research into acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases (brain and spinal cord damage, Parkinson's disease, autism, schizophrenia) as well as autoimmune and allergic diseases (multiple sclerosis, allergic respiratory diseases), the immunotoxicology of workplace-relevant ultrafine metal dusts (including nanoparticle size range), and the identification of stress markers.
  • Translational approach and inclusion of patient samples in order to link the results of basic research with clinical research.
  • Development of replacement methods for animal experiments according to the 3R principle (replacement, reduction and refinement) on the basis of organotypic brain slices and three-dimensional cell culture models (“mini-brains”, lung organoids).
  • Establishment of an internal university consulting service and core facilities for fluorescence-based confocal microscopy, live-cell imaging and spectral flow cytometry.
  • Integration of the institute's research programs in national and international research foci and professional societies.
  • Recruitment and promotion of young scientists (scientific and medical doctoral students, postdocs and research group leaders).
  • Integrating the specialist knowledge acquired by students into the processing of method-based research topics and research projects.

Biomedical research is at the heart of research at the Institute for Translational Medicine. The Institute focuses on in-depth topics in neurology and immunology. The research groups based here cover a wide range of topics, from synaptopathies, neuroregeneration, cellular adaptation and bioenergetics, neuroinflammation, allergies and asthma. In addition to scientific questions, molecular and cell biology, molecular biology, imaging and biochemical methods are applied and cellular and organotypic brain slice models are developed.

Fields of research:


  • neurodegeneration
  • antioxidant neuroprotection
  • neuroregeneration
  • Translational approaches


  • Neuroimmunology
  • Immunotoxicology
  • Immunology of respiratory diseases, including allergy and asthma
  • Translational approaches

Platforms & Services:

  • Confocal fluorescence microscopy
  • Live Cell Imaging
  • Spectral FACS / flow cytometry

Additional methods:

  • Cell cultures: Molecular cell biology
  • Sequencing methods
  • Quantitative and qualitative molecular biology and biochemical methods
  • Cell- and organoid-based disease models
Working groups
  • Prof. Dr. Ralf Baumann
    Professor for Molecular Medicine
    Main focus: Immunology of respiratory diseases and Inflammation in vitro and ex vivo
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Parvana Hajieva
    Professor of Biochemistry and Chemisty
    Main focus: Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection; Cellular Adaptation und Bioenergetics
  • Prof. Dr. med. Sven Hendrix
    Professor of Anatomy
    Main focus: Immunology of traumatic CNS damage, Vascularized Organoids for Drug Testing
  • Prof. Dr. Brigitte Ramsauer
    Professor of Medical Psychology
    Main focus: Attachment, developmental psychopathology across the lifespan
  • Prof. Dr. med. Alina Smorodchenko
    Professor for Anatomy
    Main focus: Neuroimmunology of autoimmune diseases
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Nina Wittenmayer
    Professorship for Anatomy
    Main focus: Synaptopathies, such as schizophrenia, autism and neurodegenerative disease

Research associates
  • Andrijana Nesic
    Post doc
    Project: Immunology of respiratory diseases (e.g. Asthma and Allergy) und Inflammation in vitro and ex vivo
  • Jan Steffens

    PhD Student
    Project: Immunology of respiratory diseases und Inflammation in vitro and ex vivo (Toxicology of metal dusts) 

  • Dr. Luise Linsenmeyer
    Post doc
    Project: Immunology of respiratory diseases (e.g. Asthma and Allergy) und Inflammation in vitro and ex vivo
  • Claudia Gossler
    Technical Assistant
    Project: Immunology of respiratory diseases and Inflammation in vitro and ex vivo, vascularized Organoids
  • Dr. rer nat. Ankush Borlepawar
    Post doc
    Project: Molecular Mechanims of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease
  • Dr. rer nat. Sebastian Schulz
    Post doc
    Project: Neuroprotective Strategies in Parkinson‘s Disease
  • Melissa Bork
    Technical Assistant
    Project: In vitro and in vivo Models of Neurodegeneration
  • Leili Katebi
    Medical doctoral student
    Project: Investigation of the role of neuronal glycogen metabolism under hypoglycemic and hypoxic conditions
  • Lea Miemietz
    Medical doctoral student
    Project: Investigation of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in age-related neurodegeneration
  • Dr. rer. nat. Lisa Wolff
    Post doc
    Project: Matrix alternatives for organoid culture
  • Dr. David Sebinger
    Post doc
    Projekt: Long-lasting organoid models
  • Dr. Maybritt Kretschmer
    Post doc
    Project: Vascularized organoids to study the neuroendothelial niche
  • Dr. Anja Trillhaase
    Post doc
    Project: Vascularized Organoids for Drug Testing
  • Virginia Simon
    PhD student
    Project: Embodied communication in postpartum depressed mothers and infant development
  • Dr. rer. nat. Maximilian Borgmeyer
    Post doc
    Project: Characterisation of MAGI proteins in the brain
  • Julia Anna Knocks
    PhD student
    Project: Functional Role of MAGI-1 during Synaptogenesis
  • Doris Lau
    Medical doctoral student
    Project: Differentiation and maturation of iPSC-derived neurons
  • Antonia Boadu
    Bachelor student
    Project: Involvement of S-SCAM/MAGI-2 in synapse to nucleus signalling


  • Slaets H, Veeningen N, de Keizer PLJ, Hellings N, Hendrix S. Are immunosenescent T cells really senescent? Aging Cell. 2024 Aug 7:e14300. doi: 10.1111/acel.14300.
  • Schepers M*, Hendrix S*, Mussen F, van Breedam E, Ponsaerts P, Lemmens S, Hellings N, Ricciarelli R, Fedele E, Bruno O, Brullo C, Prickaerts J, Van Broeckhoven J, Vanmierlo T. Amelioration of functional and histopathological consequences after spinal cord injury through phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) inhibition. Neurotherapeutics. 2024 May 16;21(4):e00372. doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2024.e00372. * equally contributing senior authors
  • Abrosimov R, Baeken MW, Hauf S, Wittig I, Hajieva P, Perrone CE, Moosmann B. Mitochondrial complex I inhibition triggers NAD+-independent glucose oxidation via successive NADPH formation, "futile" fatty acid cycling, and FADH2 oxidation. Geroscience 2024 Jan 25 doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-01059-y.
  • Đurašinović T, Lopandić Z, Protić-Rosić I, Nešić A, Trbojević-Ivić J, Jappe U, Gavrović-Jankulović M. Identification of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase from banana fruit as a novel plant panallergen. Food Chem. 2024 Mar; doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137782


  • Borgmeyer M, Andres-Alonso M, Mirzapourdelavar H, Lormann J, Klein K, Schweizer M, Hoffmeister-Ullerich S, Oelschlegel AM, Dityatev A, Kreutz MR. Golgi satellites are essential for polysialylation of NCAM and expression of LTP at distal synapses. Cell Rep 2023 Jul 25 doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112692.
  • Erens C, Van Broeckhoven J, Bronckaers A, Lemmens S, Hendrix S. The Dark Side of an Essential Amino Acid: L-Arginine in Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2023 May;40(9-10):820-832. doi: 10.1089/neu.2022.0271.
  • Hajieva P, Abrosimov R, Kunath S, Moosmann B. Antioxidant and prooxidant modulation of lipid peroxidation by integral membrane proteins. Free Radic Res. 2023 Feb; 57(2):105-114. doi: 10.1080/10715762.2023.2201391.
  • Hamad I, Van Broeckhoven J, Cardilli A, Hellings N, Strowig T, Lemmens S, Hendrix S*, Kleinewietfeld M*. Effects of Recombinant IL-13 Treatment on Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Recovery after Hemisection Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Nutrients. 2023 Sep 27;15(19):4184. doi: 10.3390/nu15194184.
    * equally contributing senior authors
  • Kretschmer M, Mamistvalov R, Sprinzak D, Vollmar AM, Zahler S. Matrix stiffness regulates Notch signaling activity in endothelial cells.  J Cell Sci. 2023 Jan 15 doi: 10.1242/jcs.260442.
  • Vangansewinkel T, Lemmens S, Tiane A, Geurts N, Dooley D, Vanmierlo T, Pejler G, Hendrix S. Therapeutic administration of mouse mast cell protease 6 improves functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury in mice by promoting remyelination and reducing glial scar formation. FASEB J. 2023 Jun;37(6):e22939. doi: 10.1096/fj.202201942RR.
  • Wittenmayer N, Petkova-Tuffy, A, Borgmeyer, M, Lee, C, Becker, J, Böning, A, Kügler, S, Rhee, JS, Viotti, JS, Dresbach, T. S-SCAM is essential for Synapse Formation. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 2023 Nov 16 doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1182493.
  • Čavić M, Nesic A, Mirjacic Martinovic K. et al. Detection of humoral and cellular immune response to anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in breastfeeding women and naïve and previously infected individuals. Sci Rep 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33516-1.


  • Erens C, Van Broeckhoven J, Hoeks C, Schabbauer G, Cheng PN, Chen L, Hellings N, Broux B, Lemmens S, Hendrix S. L-Arginine Depletion Improves Spinal Cord Injury via Immunomodulation and Nitric Oxide Reduction. Biomedicines. 2022 Jan 18;10(2):205. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10020205.
  • Kemps H, Dessy C, Dumas L, Sonveaux P, Alders L, Van Broeckhoven J, Font LP, Lambrichts S, Foulquier S, Hendrix S, Brône B, Lemmens R, Bronckaers A. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic stimulation reduces ischemic stroke volume by improving cerebral collateral blood flow. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2022 Jun;42(6):979-996. doi: 10.1177/0271678X221084410.
  • Ladicha LS, Altemeyer KS, Ramsauer B. Die klinische Validierung des diagnostischen Elterninterviews „Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment“ (DIPA). Diagnostica 2022; 68: 137-149.
  • Moosmann B, Hajieva P, Probing the Role of Cysteine Thiyl Radicals in Biology: Eminently Dangerous, Difficult to Scavenge. Antioxidants (Basel) 2022 Apr 29; 11(5):885. doi: 10.3390/antiox11050885.
  • Jacobs R, Awoniyi DO, Baumann R, Stanley K, McAnda S, Kaempfer S, Malherbe ST, Singh M, Walzl G, Chegou NN, AE-TBC Consortium. Concurrent evaluation of cytokines improves the accuracy of antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in the diagnosis of active tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2022 Mar; 133:102169. doi: 10.1016/
  • Scheijen EEM, Hendrix S*, Wilson DM 3rd.* Oxidative DNA Damage in the Pathophysiology of Spinal Cord Injury: Seems Obvious, but Where Is the Evidence? Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Aug 31;11(9):1728. doi: 10.3390/antiox11091728. * equally contributing senior authors
  • Scheurer T, Steffens J, Markert A, Du Marchie Sarvaas M, Roderburg C, Rink L, Tacke F, Luedde T, Kraus T, Baumann R. The human long noncoding RNAs CoroMarker, MALAT1, CDR1as, and LINC00460 in whole blood of individuals after controlled short-term exposure with ultrafine metal fume particles at workplace conditions, and in human macrophages in vitro. J Occup Med Toxicol 2022 Aug; 17(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12995-022-00356-0.
  • Nešić A, Stojsavljević A, Jagodić J, Čavić M, Stefanović A, Manojlović D, Gavrović-Jankulović M. A six-month study of anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination: A comparative analysis of essential trace elements and anti-RBD IgG sera levels. J Trace Elem Med Biol 2022; doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127079.
  • Knežević S, Ognjanović M, Stanković V, Zlatanova M, Nešić A, Gavrović-Jankulović M, Stanković D. La(OH)3 Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Paste-Based Sensing Approach for the Detection of Uric Acid—A Product of Environmentally Stressed Cells. Biosensors 2022; doi: 10.3390/bios12090705.
  • Stojsavljevic A, Perovic M, Nesic A, Mikovic Z, Manojlovic D. Levels of non-essential trace metals and their impact on placental health: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022; doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-20205-1.
  • Van Broeckhoven J, Erens C, Sommer D, Scheijen E, Sanchez S, Vidal PM, Dooley D, Van Breedam E, Quarta A, Ponsaerts P, Hendrix S, Lemmens S. Macrophage-based delivery of interleukin-13 improves functional and histopathological outcomes following spinal cord injury. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 Apr 29;19(1):102. doi: 10.1186/s12974-022-02458-2.
  • Wang P, Klassmüller T, Karg CA, Kretschmer M, Zahler S, Braig S, Bracher F, Vollmar AM, Moser S. Using the yeast three-hybrid system for the identification of small molecule-protein interactions with the example of ethinylestradiol. Biol Chem 2022 Feb 28 doi: 10.1515/hsz-2021-0355.


  • Ambrozkiewicz MC, Borisova E, Schwark M, Ripamonti S, Schaub T, Smorodchenko A, Weber AI, Rhee HJ, Altas B, Yilmaz R, Mueller S, Piepkorn L, Horan ST, Straussberg R, Zaqout S, Jahn O, Dere E, Rosário M, Boehm-Sturm P, Borck G, Willig KI, Rhee J, Tarabykin V, Kawabe H. The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc. Mol Psychiatry 2021 Jun; 26(6):1980-1995.
  • Aguilera-Lizarraga J, Florens MV, Viola MF, Jain P, Decraecker L, Appeltans I, Cuende-Estevez M, Fabre N, Van Beek K, Perna E, Balemans D, Stakenborg N, Theofanous S, Bosmans G, Mondelaers SU, Matteoli G, Ibiza Martínez S, Lopez-Lopez C, Jaramillo-Polanco J, Talavera K, Alpizar YA, Feyerabend TB, Rodewald HR, Farre R, Redegeld FA, Si J, Raes J, Breynaert C, Schrijvers R, Bosteels C, Lambrecht BN, Boyd SD, Hoh RA, Cabooter D, Nelis M, Augustijns P, Hendrix S, Strid J, Bisschops R, Reed DE, Vanner SJ, Denadai-Souza A, Wouters MM, Boeckxstaens GE. Local immune response to food antigens drives meal-induced abdominal pain. Nature. 2021 Feb;590(7844):151-156. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03118-2.
  • Baeken MW, Schwarz M, Kern A, Moosmann B, Hajieva P, Behl C. The selective degradation of sirtuins via macroautophagy in the MPP + model of Parkinson's disease is promoted by conserved oxidation sites. Cell Death Discov 2021; 7(1):286. doi: 10.1038/s41420-021-00683-x
  • Baumann R, Untersmayr E, Zissler UM, Eyerich S, Adcock IM, Brockow K, Biedermann T, Ollert M, Chaker AM, Pfaar O, Garn H, Thwaites RS, Togias A, Kowalski ML, Hansel T, Jakwerth C, Schmidt- Weber CB: Non-invasive and minimally-invasive techniques for the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases. EAACI position paper. Allergy 2021; 76(4):1010-1023. doi: 10.1111/all.14645.
  • Deshpande A, Borlepawar A, Rosskopf A, Frank D, Frey N, Rangrez AY. SH3-Binding Glutamic Acid Rich-Deficiency Augments Apoptosis in Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 13; 22(20):11042. doi: 10.3390/ijms222011042.
  • Heymans V, Kunath S, Hajieva P, Moosmann B. Cell culture characterization of prooxidative chain-transfer agents as novel cytostatic drugs. Molecules 2021; 26(21): 6743.
  • Karg CA, Wang S, Al Danaf N, Pemberton RP, Bernard D, Kretschmer M, Schneider S, Zisis T, Vollmar AM, Lamb DC, Zahler S, Moser S. Tetrapyrrolic Pigments from Heme- and Chlorophyll Breakdown are Actin-Targeting Compounds. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021 Oct 4 doi: 10.1002/anie.202107813.
  • Kretschmer M, Rüdiger D, Zahler S. Mechanical Aspects of Angiogenesis. Cancers 2021 Oct 5 doi: 10.3390/cancers13194987.
  • Krink S, Ramsauer B. Various mentalizing concepts in mothers with postpartum depression, comorbid anxiety, and personality disorders". Infant Ment Health J. 2021; 42:488–501. doi: 10.1002/imhj.21914.
  • Quarta A, Meese T, Pieters Z, Van Breedam E, Le Blon D, Van Broeckhoven J, Hendrix S, Goossens H, Hens N, Berneman Z, Van Nieuwerburgh F, Ponsaerts P. Murine induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroimmune cell culture models emphasize opposite immune-effector functions of interleukin 13-primed microglia and macrophages in terms of neuroimmune toxicity. Glia. 2021 Feb;69(2):326-345. doi: 10.1002/glia.23899. Epub 2020 Aug 31. PMID: 32865285.
  • Trillhaase A, Schmidt B, Märtens M, Haferkamp U, Erdmann J, Aherrahrou Z. The CAD risk locus 9p21 increases the risk of vascular calcification in an iPSC-derived VSMC model. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 Mar 6;12(1):166. doi: 10.1186/s13287-021-02229-5.
  • Trillhaase A, Maertens M, Aherrahrou Z, Erdmann J. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) in Vascular Research: from Two- to Three-Dimensional Organoids. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2021 Oct;17(5):1741-1753. doi: 10.1007/s12015-021-10149-3.
  • Van Broeckhoven J, Sommer D, Dooley D, *Hendrix S, *Franssen AJPM. Macrophage phagocytosis after spinal cord injury: when friends become foes. Brain. 2021 Nov 29;144(10):2933-2945. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab250. *equally contributing senior authors.
  • Wolff L, Bandaru SSM, Eger E, Lam H-N, Napierkowski M, Baecker D, Schulzke C, Bednarski PJ. Comprehensive Evaluation of Biological Effects of Pentathiepins on Various Human Cancer Cell Lines and Insights into Their Mode of Action. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22(14):7631.
  • Quarta A, Meese T, Pieters Z, Van Breedam E, Le Blon D, Van Broeckhoven J, Hendrix S, Goossens H, Hens N, Berneman Z, Van Nieuwerburgh F, Ponsaerts P. Murine induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroimmune cell culture models emphasize opposite immune-effector functions of interleukin 13-primed microglia and macrophages in terms of neuroimmune toxicity. Glia 2021; 69(2):326-345.
  • Milovanovic V, Minic R, Vakic J, Ivanovic S, Cupic V, Borozan S, Nesic A, Zivkovic I. MTT based L-aminoacid oxidase activity test for determination of antivenom potency against Vipera ammodytes envenomation. Toxicon 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2021.01.012
  • Protić-Rosić I, Nešić A, Lukić I, Miljković R, Popović DM, Atanasković-Marković M, Stojanović M, Gavrović-Jankulović M. Recombinant Bet v 1-BanLec chimera modulates functional characteristics of peritoneal murine macrophages by promoting IL-10 secretion. Molecular Immunology 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2021.06.015
  • Nešić A, Čavić M, Popović M. et al. A new approach for activation of the kiwifruit cysteine protease for usage in in-vitro testing. Mol Biol Rep 2021; doi: 10.1007/s11033-021-06416-8.
  • Spagnolli G, Massignan T, Astolfi A, Biggi S, Rigoli M, Brunelli P, Libergoli M, Ianeselli A, Orioli S, Boldrini A,Terruzzi L, Bonaldo V, Maietta G, Lorenzo NL, Fernandez LC, Codeseira YB, Tosatto L, Linsenmeier L, Vignoli B, Petris G, Gasparotto D, Pennuto M, Guella G, Canossa M, Altmeppen HC, Lolli G, Biressi S, Pastor MM, Requena JR, Mancini I, Barreca ML, Faccioli P, Biasini E. Pharmacological inactivation of the prion protein by targeting a folding intermediate. Commun Biol 2021; doi:1038/s42003-020-01585-x.
  • Linsenmeier L, Mohammadi B, Shafiq M, Frontzek K, Bär J, Shrivastava AN, Damme M, Song F, Schwarz A, Da Vela S, Massignan T, Jung S, Correia A, Schmitz M, Puig B, Hornemann S, Zerr I, Tatzelt J, Biasini E, Saftig P, Schweizer M, Svergun D, Amin L, Mazzola F, Varani L, Thapa S, Gilch S, Schätzl H, Harris DA, Triller A, Mikhaylova M, Aguzzi A, Altmeppen HC, Glatzel M. Ligands binding to the prion protein induce ist proteolytic release with therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative proteinopathies. Adv. 2021; doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1826
  • Zisis T, Schwarz J, Balles M, Kretschmer M, Nemethova M, Chait R, Hauschild R, Lange J, Guet C, Sixt M, Zahler S. Sequential and Switchable Patterning for Studying Cellular Processes under Spatiotemporal Control. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021 Aug 4 doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c09850.


  • Baeken MW, Moosmann B, Hajieva P. Retrotransposon activation by distressed mitochondria in neurons. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2020; 525: 570-575. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.02.106.
  • Baeken MW, Weckmann K, Diefenthäler P, Schulte J, Yusifli K, Moosmann B, Behl C, Hajieva P. Novel Insights into the Cellular Localization and Regulation of the Autophagosomal Proteins LC3A, LC3B and LC3C. Cells 2020; 9(10):2315. doi: 10.3390/cells9102315.
  • Balewski Ł, Sączewski F, Bednarski PJ, Wolff L, Nadworska A, Gdaniec M, Kornicka A. Synthesis, Structure and Cytotoxicity Testing of Novel 7-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-2-aryl-6,7-dihydro-2H-imidazo[2,1-c][1,2,4]triazol-3(5H)-Imine Derivatives. Molecules 2020; 25(24):5924. doi: 10.3390/molecules25245924
  • Bassiouni M, Stölzel K, Smorodchenko A, Olze H, Szczepek AJ. (2020) Tackling the Mouse-on-Mouse Problem in Cochlear Immunofluorescence: A Simple Double-Blocking Protocol for Immunofluorescent Labeling of Murine Cochlear Sections with Primary Mouse Antibodies. Curr Protoc Mouse Biol 10(4): e84.
  • Behnisch-Cornwell S, Wolff L, Bednarski PJ. The Effect of Glutathione Peroxidase-1 Knockout on Anticancer Drug Sensitivities and Reactive Oxygen Species in Haploid HAP-1 Cells. Antioxidants 2020; 9(12):1300. doi: 10.3390/antiox9121300.
  • Behnisch-Cornwell S, Bandaru SSM, Napierkowski M, Wolff L, Zubair M, Urbainsky C, Lillig C, Schulzke C, Bednarski PJ. Pentathiepins: A Novel Class of Glutathione Peroxidase 1 Inhibitors that Induce Oxidative Stress, Loss of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells. ChemMedChem 2020; 15(16):1515-1528. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.202000160.
  • Borlepawar A, Schmiedel N, Eden M, Christen L, Rosskopf A, Frank D, Lüllmann-Rauch R, Frey N, Rangrez AY. Dysbindin deficiency Alters Cardiac BLOC-1 Complex and Myozap Levels in Mice. Cells. 2020 Oct 31; 9(11):2390. doi: 10.3390/cells9112390.
  • Borlepawar A, Frey N, Frank D. Editorial commentary: Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition and G protein-coupled receptors: A novel possibility for cardiac regeneration? Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2019 May; 29(4):205-206. doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2018.09.008.
  • Borlepawar A, Frey N, Rangrez AY. A systematic view on E3 ligase Ring TRIMmers with a focus on cardiac function and disease. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2019 Jan;29(1):1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2018.05.007.
  • Grajchen E, Wouters E, van de Haterd B, Haidar M, Hardonnière K, Dierckx T, Van Broeckhoven J, Erens C, Hendrix S, Kerdine-Römer S, Hendriks JJA, Bogie JFJ. CD36-mediated uptake of myelin debris by macrophages and microglia reduces neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Jul 27;17(1):224. doi: 10.1186/s12974-020-01899-x.
  • Hendrix S, Sanchez S, Ventriglia E, Lemmens S. HDAC8 Inhibition Reduces Lesional Iba-1+ Cell Infiltration after Spinal Cord Injury without Effects on Functional Recovery. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 25;21(12):4539. doi: 10.3390/ijms21124539.
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