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IRIs ICF Research Institute

Research on bio-psycho-social health and education

Medicine, psychology, pedagogy and social work – these disciplines have traditionally conducted research largelyindependently of each other, using different paradigms of health. In practice, care focused on disorders and deficits and amore humanistic-resource-oriented approach were often incompatible. This also made dialogue between professionalgroups such as medical professionals, social workers and psychologists more difficult.

The current challenges in society, health and education call for an interdisciplinary approach in science and thewillingness to work closely together in practice between different professional groups. Internationally, therefore, a more comprehensive and inclusive picture of health and education has been gaining ground in recent years: the biopsychosocial perspective. It has the potential to integrate different approaches.

The biopsychosocial model encompasses three central components of human functioning and life design, which arerelated to one another: bodily functions and structures, activities and participation from an individual and socialperspective, as well as context factors, i.e. personal and environmental influences. This model is extensively anchored inthe International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) developed by the WHO and is to be usedextensively in Germany, among others, according to the Federal Participation Act (Bundesteilhabegesetz) (2018) and ICD11, which will be published in 2022. This orientation enables and promotes interdisciplinary and interprofessionalcollaboration. It is therefore also at the heart of the ICF Research Institute, where researchers from different disciplinesare networked.

Work tasks

Through its application-oriented research and development work as well as third mission offers, the institute aims todemonstrate concrete implementation of a comprehensive understanding of health, life and social design and toimplement it in practice. The focus is on interdisciplinary research. This is done in relation to a wide range of fields of application.


The research activities are based on an interdisciplinary, systemic, resource-oriented approach to education and health. Health is not only considered on a personal level, but also includes the structures in which people live and act. Research is thus concerned with both approaches to strengthening personal competences and the possibilities for shaping health and growth-promoting framework conditions in society.

Working groups

Scientific research and monitoring

In the IRIs Institute, different working groups link up with three major research areas, which in turn are strictly related tothe WHO's bio-psycho-social model of health and disease and partly directly address the implementation of the ICF.

Bio-Psycho-Social Health & Education is the focus of different research perspectives and approaches at IRI. Theinterdisciplinary collaboration as well as participation and participation as a principle and objective for the research fieldsof the research groups located at IRIs enable or require an interdisciplinary approach to research questions in thepreviously established fields of »Educational Processes, Educational Justice, Orientation and Transition Processes«, »Psychosocial Health, Partnership and Family« and »Early Advancement, Early Help, Family and Addiction/MentalIllnesses«.


Prof. Dr. Sonja Bröning
Chair of Developmental Psychology

  • Family-based prevention
  • Couples and families
  • Love and Sexuality
  • Separation conflicts

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann
Chair of Social Sciences and Research Methods

  • Practical pedagogical research
  • Vocational orientation and transitions in the CV
  • Refusal to attend school

Prof. Dr. Björn Enno Hermans
Chair for Systemic Therapy and Consulting

  • Therapy and counseling [nbsp]
  • Multi-person and group setting
  • Trauma therapy

Prof. Dr. habil. Mathias Kauff
Head of the Department of Psychology
Professorship for Social Psychology


Prof. Dr. Urszula Martyniuk
Professorship for Sexology

  • Social and depth psychology
  • psychosexual development
  • Sexuality and the Internet
  • sexual disorders
  • sexualised violence

Prof. Dr. Olaf Schenk
Chair of Advanced Nursing Practice

  • Vocational training and skills development
  • Care and care systems

Prof. Dr. Katinka Schweizer
Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

  • Psychosocial care for intersex
  • Psychosexual Development
  • People with trans* and inter*forms in old age

Prof. Dr. Liane Simon
Professorship for Transdisciplinary Early Advancement

  • Inclusion
  • ICF
  • Early support
  • Early aid

Prof. Dr. habil. Dietmar J. Wetzel
Chair of Social Sciences

  • Lifestyle
  • Transformation
  • Sustainability

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Britta Wulfhorst
Chair of Educational SciencesHealth Education

  • Interdisciplinarity and interprofessionalism
  • Prevention and health promotion
  • Patient training

Scientific staff

Dr. Annette Clüver

  • Developmental Psychology

Simone van Kampen
PhD student
Medical Education, M.Ed.

  • Interprofessional skills

Sven Kottysch, Dipl.-Psych./Dipl.-Betr.-Wirt
Research Assistant
Focus on teaching and research


Diana Pistoll
PhD student

  • self-regulated learning;
  • Educational Psychology

Carolin Striewisch, Dipl. Päd.
Research Assistant
Focus on research


Antonia Baumann, M.A.
Research Assistant
Focus on research


Femke Dumstrei, M.A.
Research Assistant
Focus on research

Carolin Ehlers, M.A.

Research Assistant
Focus on research


Lea Kahl, M.A.
Research Assistant
Focus on research


Solveig Langenohl, M.A.
Research Assistant
Focus on research


Kim Alicia Ley, M.A.
Research Assistant
Focus on research


Dr. Petra Westphal
Research Assistant
Focus on research

Carlotta Linz
Student Assistant


Ira Willeke, B.A.
Working student

Current research projects

Working Group on Early Care & Early Care, Family & Addiction/Mental Illness


WorkingGroup on Psychosexual Health, Partnership & Family


Working Group Educational Processes & Educational Justice, Orientation and Transition Processes

ICF Mapping (Implementation Support for ICF in Early Support)

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Liane Simon
Duration: 2017-2023
Participating disciplines: curative education, medicine, psychology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy


Scientific monitoring of the Occupational Choice SEAL

Project management: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann
Duration: since 2013
Disciplines involved: Educational science and specialists from the fields of schools, economics and educational policy

Completed research projects

Early intervention & early help, family & addiction/mental illness working group:



Early support Herzberg

Project management: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann / Prof. Dr. Liane Simon
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Participating disciplines: curative education, medicine, psychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy, social work, early childhood education


Preliminary study Children of mentally ill parents

Project management: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann / Prof. Dr. Enno Herrmanns
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Participating disciplines: Education, Psychology


Scientific Monitoring »Waves«

Project management: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann / Prof. Dr. Liane Simon
Duration: 2019 - 2023
Participating disciplines: Education, Psychology


Stronger families

Project management: Prof. Dr. Sonja Bröning
Duration: 2020 – 2022
Participating disciplines: Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology


WorkingGroup on Psychosexual Health, Partnership & Family

No Touching! The Corona-Crisis and Public Attitudes about Sex


Project leader: Prof. Dr. Katinka Schweitzer
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Participating disciplines: Psychology , Sexology

Working Group Educational Processes & Educational Equity, Orientation and Transition Processes:

Evaluation ofmy professional fieldas a vocational orientation measure at Hessian schools

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann
Duration: 2019 - 2021
Disciplines involved: Educational science and specialists from the fields of schools, economics and educational policy


Transgenerational Effects on Families after Forced Migration. A Structural Analysis of the Changes in Values and Norms in Poland and Germany

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wetzel
Duration: 2021-2022
Disciplines involved: Sociology, Education

Transfer & Cooperation (Third Mission)

One objective of IRIs is to promote interdisciplinarity and interprofessionalism within and outside the MSH on the basisof the ICF's bio-psycho-social model.

  • Internally, curricular and extracurricular teaching/learning formats for students across faculties and courses of study aredeveloped, implemented and evaluated, as well as in workshops for employees, where possible with the participation ofinternational cooperation partners.
  • In line with the third mission of universities, we also address external partners in practice. Through this cooperation andthe exchange with experienced practitioners, teaching and research are continually further developed. Examples of suchtransfer offerings are the Siegel Academy and the VIFF-certified ICF training courses in early learning and socialpaediatrics. Other offers include workshops for health professionals and teachers.

»POLi - Interprofessional Problem-Oriented Learning«

POLi stands for problem-oriented learning interprofessional. This special learning format enables students to developcross-departmental solutions for health issues of an increasingly integrated health care system, taking into account theperspectives of different health professions.

POLi thrives on combining knowledge with experience and focuses on an important principle of teaching at MSH: interdisciplinarity.

Head: Prof. Dr. Britta Wulfhorst


Qualification SIEGEL Academy

The "Berufwahl-SIEGEL Deutschland" (Berufwahl-SIEGEL Deutschland) brings together committed people fromeducation, business and politics. SIEGEL wants to shape the future of vocational orientation locally together. This processis systematically supported by the SIEGEL Academy. An exclusive offer for around 1,600 certified SIEGEL schools ofdifferent types of schools, for around 1,600 jury members and around 50 supporting institutions, which coordinate andimplement SIEGEL locally throughout Germany.


  • Practical training for the further development of vocational orientation at schools
  • Speaker:innenpool with proven expertise in vocational orientation
  • Presentations as impetus for key future topics
  • Nationwide networking and exchange of experience

Head: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bührmann

VIFF-certified ICF workshops

In recent years, the Association for Interdisciplinary Early Career Advancement (VIFF) has been working intensively onthe International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF) and its possible implementation in early careand social paediatrics. With the introduction of the Federal Participation Act (BTHG), the use of the ICF is now mandatory for all early care centres in Germany. This is why the need for VIFF-certified training is increasing.

VIFF Certified ICF Workshops (2-day training sessions):

  • Implementation of ICF Social and Health Organisations
  • Training in interdisciplinary settings

Head: Prof. Dr. Liane Simon


Early intervention, early help, families, family and addiction/mental illness

  • Simon, L. Gölz, F., Schenk, O., Bührmann, T., Kauff, M., Kraus de Camargo, O., Snyman, S., Lueers, G., Wulfhorst, B. (2024): The international classification of functioning, disability and health in clinicalpractice, research findings and their impact on training and education. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences5, DOI: 3389/fresc.2024.1420498
  • Dawal, B., Simon, L., Irmler, M. (2024): Frühförderung.
  • Fricke, C., Simon, L. (2023): Aktuelle Fachdiskurse: Frühförderung in Deutschland. Vereinigung für Interdisziplinäre Frühförderung " Bundesvereinigung (VIFF). Frühförderung interdisziplinär42(4):184-192, DOI: 2378/fi2023.art20d
  • Simon, L., Kühl, J. (2023): Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und inklusive Frühförderung. Kohlhammer
  • Kauff, M., Bührmann, T., Gölz, F., Simon, L., Lueers, G., van Kampen, S., Kraus de Camargo, O., Snyman, S., Wulfhorst, B. (2023): Teaching interprofessional collaboration among future healthcareprofessionals. Frontiers in Psychology14:1185730. DOI: 3389/fpsyg.2023.1185730
  • Caby, A., Simon, L. (2023):  Kinder mit Beeinträchtigungen als Herausforderung im Kinderschutz. In: Averbeck, B., Caby, F., Hermanns, E., Röhrbein, A. (Hrsg.): Kooperation im Kinderschutz, S. 191-202
  • Simon, L. (2022): ICF basierte Teilhabe im Kontext Frühförderung. Sonderpädagogische Frühförderung heute 4/21, S. 361-372
  • Borusiak, P., Mazheyka, Y., Bauer, S., Haberland, E., Krois, I., Fricke, C., Simon, L., Beschoner, P., Jerg-Bretzke, L., Geiser, F., Hiebel, F., Weidner, K., Albus, C., Morawa, E., Erim, Y. (2022): The impactof the COVID-19 pandemicon pediatric developmental services:a cross-sectional study on overallburdenand mental health status. Archives of Public Health 80(1). DOI: 10.1186/s13690-022-00876-5
  • Gebhardt, B., Simon, L., Ziemen, K., Opp, G., Groß-Kunkel, A. (2021) (Hrsg.): Transitionen – Übergänge in der Frühförderung gestalten. Schultz-Kirchner.
  • Simon, L., Kraus de Camargo, (2021) (Hrsg.): Families and Functioning in Childhood and Adolescence. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science. DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88974-927-0
  • Kraus de Camargo, O. Simon, L., Rosenbaum, P., Ronen, G., (2020) (Hrsg.) : Die ICF-CY in der Praxis. Hogrefe
  • Thyen, U., Simon, L. (2020): Frühe Förderung und Frühe Hilfen in Deutschland. Early promotion and early preventive services in Germany. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 168(Suppl 3) DOI: 10.1007/s00112-020-00859-2
  • Simon, L. (2020): Die Internationale Klassifikation für Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF)– Chancen für die Heilpädagogische Arbeit., 35 (2020): 4, S. 6-10
  • Leonardi, M., Lee, H., van der Veen, S., Maribo, T., Cuenit, M., Simon, L., Paltamaa, J., Maart, S., Tucker, C., Besstrashnova, Y., Shoshmin, A., Cid Cofré, D., Almborg, A., Anttila, H., Yamada, S., Frattura, L., Zavaroni, C., Qiu, Z., Martinuzzi, A., Martinuzzi, M., Magnani, F., Snyman, S., Amine elOumri, A., Sylvain, N., Layton, N., Sykes, C., Welch Saleeby, P., Winkler, A., Kraus de Camargo. O. (2020): Avoiding the Banality of Evil in Times of COVID-19: Thinking Differently with a Biopsychosocial Perspective for Future Health and Social Policies Development. SN ComprehensiveClinical Medicine 2(10):1-3. DOI: 10.1007/s42399-020-00486-8

Psychosexual health Partnership and family

  • Bröning, S., & Wartberg, L. (2021). Attached to your smartphone? A dyadic perspective on perceived partner phubbing and attachment in long-term couple relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 106996.
  • Martyniuk, U., Okolski, L. & Dekker, A. (2019). Pornographic content and real-life sexual experiences – Findings from a survey of German university students. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 45(5), 370-377.
  • Martyniuk, U. & Štulhofer, A. (2018). A longitudinal exploration of the relationship between pornography use and sexual permissiveness in female and male adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 69, 80-87.
  • Schweizer, K. (2021). »Weiblich, männlich, divers«. Anerkennungsprozesse bei körperlichen Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung/Intersex. PSYCHE, 75(5), 402-432. (DOI:10.21706/ps-75-5-402).
  • Schweizer, K. (2021). Psychosoziale Versorgung bei Intersex/Varianten der Geschlechtsentwicklung. Leitlinienorientierte Beratung und Psychotherapie. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie, 19(1), 30-37. (DOI:10.1007/s10304-020-00361-8).
  • Meoded Danon, L. & Schweizer, K. (2020): Psychosocial approaches and discursive gaps in intersex healthcare: findings from an Israeli–German action research study, Culture, Health & Sexuality (DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2020.1810779).

Educational processes, educational equity, orientation and transition processes

  • Bührmann, T. / Kempf, F. / Schütz, J. (2021): Zur Qualitätsentwicklung schulischer Berufsorientierung: Das Berufswahl-SIEGEL. In: Weyland, U. / Ziegler, B. / Driesel-Lange, K.: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in der Berufsorientierung - Stand und Herausforderungen, Münster, S. 259 - 278 (im Erscheinen)
  • Kraus de Camargo, O., Simon, L., Ronen, G., Rosenbaum, P. (2020): ICF-CY in der Praxis, Hogrefe.
  • Simon, L. (2020): Die Internationale Klassifikation für Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF)– Chancen für die Heilpädagogische Arbeit, in: heilpaedagogik (4), S.6-10.
  • Bührmann, T. / Schmidt, U. (2019): Inklusion fördern – Leidenschaft vernetzen. In: Caritas 2020: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Caritasverbandes, Freiburg, S. 122-126
  • Bührmann, T. / Schmidt, U. (2019): Gibt es ein Rezept für Inklusion? In: neue Caritas – Politik, Praxis, Forschung. Heft 7/2019, S. 23-25
  • Bührmann, T. (2018): Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit als Ort für ganzheitliche Bildung und kommunales Engagement. Ergebnisse der AWO-Praxisstudie. In: TUP – Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit, 69. Jg., Heft 2/2018, S. 129-136
  • Bührmann, T. / Schmidt, U. (2018): Community Organizing – Eine Methode für kommunale Gestaltungsprozesse. In: Der pädagogische Blick – Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in pädagogischen Berufen. 26. Jg., Heft 2/2018, Weinheim: Juventa, S. 110-117
  • Wetzel, Dietmar J. (2021): Resonanz als multi-konstellatives Affizierungsverhältnis. Das Beispiel von Prüfungen im Schulalltag, in: DGS-Kongress-Band, Berlin, (i. E.)
  • Wetzel, Dietmar J. (2021): Kontexte des Familiengedächtnisses – Aspekte, Funktionen und Formen des Erinnerns/des Vergessens, in: Borcsa, Maria et al. (Hg.), Handbuch narrative Praxis, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (i. E.)
  • Wetzel, Dietmar J. (2020): Transformative Communities as Alternative Forms of Life? Conceptual Reflections and Empirical Findings (Co-Housing in Switzerland). In: Claviez, Thomas et al., Critique of Authenticity. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 209-225.
  • Wetzel, Dietmar J. (2019): Metamorphosen der Macht. Soziologische Erkundungen des Alltags. Norderstedt: BoD.
  • Wulfhorst, B. (2019) Aufgaben und Bedeutung der Gesundheitspädagogik in den Gesundheitsberufen. In: R. Haring (Hrsg.), Gesundheitswissenschaften, Springer Reference Pflege – Therapie – Gesundheit,  
  • Wulfhorst, B. (2017) Gesundheit in pädagogischen Berufen – Pädagogik in Gesundheitsberufen. In: Brinker-Meyendriesch, E., Arens, F. (Hrsg.): Diskurs Berufspädagogik Pflege und Gesundheit. Wissen und Wirklichkeiten zu Handlungsfeldern und Themenbereichen, Berlin: wvb
  • Šimić, D., Simon, D., Sonsmann, F., Stoleski, S., Weinert, P. and Wulfhorst, B. (2017), The implementation of knowledge dissemination in the prevention of occupational skin diseases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. JEADV 2017, 32, 449–458 [IF 3.528]
  • Wilke, A., Hansen, A., Hübner, A., Gediga, G., Goergens, A., John, S.M., Nordheider, K., Rocholl, M, Wulfhorst, B., Nashan, D. (2018) Interdisciplinary and multiprofessional outpatient secondary individual prevention of work-related skin diseases in the metalworking industry: 1-year follow-up of a patient cohort. December 2018, BMC Dermatology 18(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12895-018-0080-2 [IF 2.02]
  • Wulfhorst, B., Strunk, M., Skudlik, C., Heichel, T., Sonsmann, F., Wilke, A., Wigger-Alberit, W., John, SM. (2020) Prevention and Rehabilitation of Occupational Hand Eczema. In: CONTACT DERMATITIS. JD Johansen, Mahler V, JP Lepoittevin, PJ Frosch, (eds) Springer Heidelberg 2019, Part 7: Therapy, Prevention, and Legislation, pp 2-39