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IPCM Institute for Psychosocial Crisis Management

Recently, it has become clear that psychosocial aspects are of particular importance in all spheres and levels of crisis management, i.e. at local, state and federal level, but also in educational institutions and enterprises.

In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, but also after the devastating floods in the summer of 2021, many cities and districts have begun, for example, to create psycho-social situation pictures, integrate psycho-social expertise into the work of their crisis units and offer psycho-social support to people affected by accidents, crises and disasters.

Psychosocial emergency care (PSNV) for injured persons, relatives, eyewitnesses, missing persons and survivors, but also for fire brigades, rescue services, civil protection units and police authorities is now referred to as the standard of care. Psychosocial crisis management also includes individual and social emergency preparedness, appropriate risk and crisis communication, expert advice with regard to decision-making processes and the development of crisis management strategies. In these areas, the Institute for Psychosocial Crisis Management works on research and development contracts for public administrative structures, educational institutions, organisations and companies.


Research in the field of psychosocial crisis management is interdisciplinary and incorporates findings from psychological, pedagogical, social, political and communication sciences as well as reflected experiences from the practice of police and non-police danger prevention. It makes an important contribution to strengthening civil protection in Germany, to increasing social resilience and to dealing constructively with disasters, crises and disasters.

Research questions include, among other things, how psychosocial expertise can be specifically integrated into crisis management, how psychosocial support services for different groups of affected people, as well as different variants of affected people can be established according to needs and needs. Furthermore, it is investigated which effects of which psychosocial interventions can be expected in the event of disasters, crises and disasters.

Working groups

Prof. Dr. Harald Karutz
Chair of Psychosocial Crisis Management

  • Psychosocial situational images
  • Emergency psychosocial care
  • Crisis team work
  • Decision-making
  • Human factors in crisis management
  • Educational issues

Prof. Dr. Klaus Runggaldier
Chair of Medical Education

  • Emergency psychosocial care in emergency response
  • Individual and social emergency preparedness
  • Health care research

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wetzel
Chair of Social Sciences

  • Social Science Issues
  • Society and Security
  • Risk and Resilience

Scientific staff

Corinna Posingies
Research Assistant

  • Psychosocial crisis management in educational institutions
  • Resilience of students and teachers
Current research projects

Emergency medium-term follow-up care for children and their families (MINI)

This project is currently investigating how to close the existing gap in care between emergency psychosocial assistance provided by emergency pastoral workers and crisis intervention teams as well as longer-term support services (trauma therapy, bereavement group, etc.). To this end, a pilot project for emergency pastoral care in the cities of Mülheim an der Ruhr, Essen and Oberhausen is being scientifically monitored and evaluated. The project is supported by the Evangelischer Kirchenkreis An der Ruhr and financed by the Stiftung Notfallseelsorge der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland and the Familienstiftung der Versicherer im Raum der Kirche (VRK). Project can be found here.

of communal psychosocial crisis management in the context of the coronavirus pandemic (DoKoPsy)

In this project, which was commissioned by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, all previous activities, measures and offers of municipal psychosocial crisis management are currently being systematically recorded, documented and critically reviewed together with numerous network partners in order to be able to derive recommendations for the standardisation of municipal psychosocial crisis management also with regard to other hazards and damage situations.

and Corona (SchuCo)

Together with Prof. Dr. Christian Reintjes and Prof. Dr. Sonja Nonte from the University of Osnabrück, an online survey was conducted in spring 2022 to examine the experience of schools in times of the coronavirus pandemic.

Vulnerability and Criticality of Education (BeKRITIS)

On behalf of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, a pilot study was carried out in 2021 to analyse the vulnerability and criticality of education in Germany; the final report is available for download here.

Psychosocial Crisis Management (KoPsyKris)

For a large city in North Rhine-Westphalia, a concept for the sustainable continuation and consolidation of a communal psychosocial crisis management was developed in autumn 2021.

and Disaster (KIKAT)

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, the projectChild and Catastrophe” (KiKat) was carried out from 2016 to 2019. The project focused on emergency psychosocial care for children and adolescents in complex situations of danger and damage, such as acts of terrorism, school shootings or school bus accidents. The final report can be downloaded here.



  • Karutz H, Posingies C, Dülks J (2022) Vulnerabilität und Kritikalität des Bildungswesens in Deutschland. Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht des Bevölkerungsschutzes. Abschlussbericht. Forschung im Bevölkerungsschutz Band 31. Bonn: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe.
  • Karutz H, Posingies C, Dülks J (2022) Überlegungen zur Erhöhung der Krisenfestigkeit des Bildungswesens. In: Notfallvorsorge 53 (2): 5-12.
  • Karutz H (2022) Zeit für Veränderungen: Das Bildungswesen in der Coronavirus-Pandemie. In: Notfallvorsorge 53 (1): 16-21.


  • Karutz H, Tinla M (2021) Kommunales Psychosoziales Krisenmanagement im Rahmen der Coronavirus-Pandemie. In: Trauma und Gewalt 15 (3): 222-231.
  • Karutz H (2021) Lernen aus der Krise – Chance für inneres Wachstum und Bildung? In: Pädagogik der Gesundheitsberufe 8 (1): 11-17.
  • Deckers T, Neumann T, Karutz H (2021) Rettungsdienst als Kritische Infra-struktur. Systemvulnerabilität im Pandemiefall. In: Rettungsdienst 44: 1118-1125.
  • Karutz H, Plagge G (2021) Handlungsempfehlungen für die Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung von Kindern in Naturkatastrophen. In: Rettungsdienst (Online-Sonderpublikation anlässlich der Unwetterkatastrophe im Juli 2021): 1-7.
  • Plagge G, Karutz H (2021) Kinder in Naturkatastrophen: Risiken, Belastungen, Vorsorgestrategien und Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung. In: Rettungsdienst (Online-Sonderpublikation anlässlich der Unwetterkatastrophe im Juli 2021): 1-7.
  • Runte J, Karutz H, Neumeier H (2021) Kompetenzentwicklung und -diagnostik in der Ausbildung ehrenamtlicher Führungskräfte im Bevölkerungsschutz. In: Crisis Prevention Heft 1: 64-66.
  • Karutz H, Fegert A-K, Blank-Gorki V (2021) PSNV für Kinder und Jugendliche in komplexen Schadenslagen. Abschlussbericht. Forschung im Bevölkerungsschutz Band 30. Bonn: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe.
  • Karutz H (2021) Mittelfristige Notfallnachsorge für Kinder und ihre Familien: Das fehlende Bindeglied. In: Im Einsatz 28: 20-23.
  • Karutz H (2021) Ein Forschungsprojekt zur Psychosozialen Notfallversorgung: Kind und Katastrophe (KiKat). In: Im Einsatz 28: 15-19.
  • Karutz H, Posingies C (2021) Auch für Jugendgruppen in Hilfsorganisationen relevant: Unterstützung für Kinder in der Corona-Pandemie. In: Im Ein-satz 28: 10-14.
  • Blank-Gorki V, Breuer F, Fegert A-K, Neumann T, Niedermeier M, Rielage T, Karutz H (2020): Komplexe Gefahren- und Schadenslagen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen: Häufigkeit in Deutschland und Analyse psychosozialer Versorgungsstrukturen. In: Notfall- und Rettungsmedizin 23: 364-369.
  • Karutz H, Fegert A-K, Blank-Gorki V (2020) Kind und Katastrophe (KiKat): Forschung für eine zielgruppenspezifisch differenzierte Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung. In: Trauma. Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie und ihre Anwendungen 18 (2): 72-83.
  • Karutz H, Posingies C (2020) Das Bildungswesen – eine kritische Infrastruktur? In: Bevölkerungsschutz Heft 4: 18-22.
  • Karutz H, Fegert A-K, Blank-Gorki V (2020) Kinder und Jugendliche in komplexen Gefahren- und Schadenslagen: Ergebnisse aus dem „KiKat“-Projekt. In: Bevölkerungsschutz Heft 3: 40-44.