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ICPP Institute for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

From basic research to targeted interventions

Mental disorders can be understood as disorders of biological and psychological functions and processes that are caused by psychosocial and neurobiological factors. At the Institute for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (ICPP), we therefore pursue a bio-psycho-social approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. We combine basic clinical research with applied clinical research in order to improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention based on an understanding of the development and changeability of mental disorders and their processes. One principle is the appreciation of various scientifically recognized psychotherapeutic methods and their different concepts and epistemological approaches.


We combine basic clinical research with clinical application research. In basic clinical research, we are interested in the bio-psycho-social mechanisms of various mental disorders. In clinical application research, we investigate these mechanisms in the context of diagnostics, therapy and prevention and how mental disorders and stress can be individually assessed, communicated, managed and changed. The teaching and research outpatient clinic represents an important interface between research and care.

Key research approaches:

Clinical-experimental research
Basic characteristics and mechanisms of psychological symptoms and disorders are investigated under controlled conditions.

Clinical-neurobiological research
Neurobiological factors in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental symptoms and disorders are investigated.

Clinical intervention research
New interventions are developed on the basis of clinical-experimental and clinical-neurobiological research and examined for their effectiveness and mechanisms of action.

Clinical process and accompanying research
Cultural and procedural aspects of psychotherapeutic interventions under everyday conditions are investigated qualitatively and quantitatively, from multiple perspectives, transdisciplinary and participatory.

Main research areas:

  • Translational Stress Research
  • Mind-Body Research
  • Sexual Health and Psychotherapy
  • Translational Social Cognition and Social Interaction Research
  • E-Mental-Health and Sex Research
Working groups


  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Lischke
    Professorship of Biological Psychology and Clinical Psychology
    Research Group: Translational Social Cognition and Social Interaction Research
  • Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Rüttner Götzmann
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Working Group: Neuro-Psychoanalytic Research of Psychosomatics
  • Prof. Dr. Johanna Schröder
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Research Group: E-Mental-Health and Sex Research
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Katinka Schweizer
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Working group: Sexual Health, Diverse sex development & Inter*friendly Psychosocial Care
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Meike Shedden Mora
    Professorship for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Working Group: Mind-Body Research
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Annett Lotzin
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Working Group: Interdisciplinary Trauma and Stress Research
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Sebastian Trautmann
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Working group: Translational Stress Research
  • Prof. Dr. Annika Clamor
    Professorship of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy with a focus on behavioral therapy
    Working group: Psychophysiological Adaptivity in Coping with Stress
  • Prof. Dr. Meike Müller-Engelmann
    Professorship for Psychotherapy
    Working group: Psychotraumatology
  • Prof. Dr. Nils F. Töpfer

    Professur für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie,
    Schwerpunkt Tiefenpsychologisch-fundierte Psychotherapie

Research assistants


  • Dr. Lena Barth
    Research assistant
  • Birte Jessen, M.Sc.
    PhD student
    Persistent somatic symptoms in chronic kidney disease
  • Dr. Sandra Miethe
    Research assistant
    Research Coordination University Outpatient Clinic
  • Janna Wigger, M.Sc.
    PhD student
    Emotion Regulation Therapy for Distress Disorders
  • Dr. Charlotte Wittgens
    Research assistant
    Project coordination and application
  • Maï-Carmen Requena-Komuro, PhD
    Research assistant
  • Fée-Ona Fuchs, M.Sc.
    PhD student
    Socio-affective and socio-cognitive mechanims in the processing of witnessed traumatic events
  • Pauline Althoff, M.Sc.
    PhD Studentin
    Emotion Regulation Therapy for Distress Disorders
  • Anna Borgmann, M.Sc.
    PhD student
    SFB 289: Treatment Expectation
    Prospective observational study on the relevance of expectations in psychotherapy (PSY.EXPECT)
  • Verena Fleßner, M.Sc.
    Expectations during pregnancy (PrExpect)
  • Greta Holst, M.Sc.
    Research assistant
  • Antje Paetow, M.Sc.
    Research assistant
  • Anna-Sophia von Krauß, M.Sc.
    Research assistant
  • Ada-Filine Zeh, M.Sc.
    Research assistant
  • Valentin Lackmann, M.Sc.
    Research assistant
  • Juliane Gondesen, M.Sc.
  • Wiebke Blaszcyk
    PhD student
  • Lea Seule, M.Sc.
    PhD student
Current research projects

Socio-affective and socio-cognitive mechanism in the processing of witnessed traumatic events (SOMETRA)

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. habil. Sebastian Trautmann, Prof. Dr. Phillip Kanske (TU Dresden)
Duration: 2022 - 2025
Funding: DFG


Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Rüttner Götzmann
Duration: ongoing
Funding: intramural

Depression monitoring for newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2

Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Charlotte Wittgens, Prof. Sebastian Trautmann, Prof. Urs Lichtenauer
Duration: 2024 - 2026
Duration: Kerscher‘sche Stiftung
Disciplines involved: Clinical psychology, internal medicine

Emotion regulation therapy for mental disorders with chronic stress

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sebastian Trautmann
Duration: 2020, ongoing
Disciplines involved: Clinical psychology
Funding: Partial funding Robert Enke Foundation

„No Touching!“ The Corona Crisis and Public attitudes about sex

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. phil. Katinka Schweizer (Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Dagmar Herzog (New York), Prof. Dr. Ilka Quindeau (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Friederike Herrmann (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Dr. Richard Lemke (Göttingen)
Duration: 2021-2022
Disciplines involved: Clinical psychology, history, communication science, sexual research
Funding: VW Foundation

Predictors for the persistence of somatic symptoms in patients with chronic kidney disease

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. Meike Shedden Mora, Prof. Dr. Tobias B. Huber (III. Medical Clinic, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Duration: 2021 - 2025
Disciplines involved: Clinical psychology, nephrology
Funding: SOMACROSS research group (FOR5211), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Prospective observational study on the relevance of expectations in psychotherapy (PSY.EXPECT)

Project management: Prof. Dr. Meike Shedden Mora
Duration: 2024, ongoing
Funding: intramural

Evaluating an online intervention for sexual dysfunction and pain in women

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. Johanna Schröder
Duration: 2023 - 2025

SFB 289 Treatment Expectation: Central scientific project – overarching psychometric and neuroendocrine assessments (Z02)

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. Meike Shedden Mora, Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief (Philipps Universität Marburg), Prof. Dr. Harald Engler (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Duration: 2024 - 2028
Funding: SFB 289 Treatment Expectation, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Analyzing routine outcome data in outpatient psychotherapy at the Medical School Hamburg (MSH): Investigating mental disorders, treatment processes and outcomes.

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. Meike Müller-Engelmann, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Trautmann
Other persons involved: Prof. Dr. Alexander Lischke, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ocklenburg, Prof. Dr. Meike Shedden Mora
Duration: 2023 - 2033

EMO-EMP-II - Individual Differences in Empathy and Emotion Recognition across the Lifespan

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. Alexander Lischke
Duration: 2023 - 2026
Funding: intramural

Improving digital teaching for Ukrainian psychology students in times of crisis

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. habil. Annett Lotzin
Duration: 2022 - 2025
Funding: DAAD

Effectiveness of a breath robot to reduce sleep problems and hyperarousal in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder

Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Dr. habil. Annett Lotzin
Duration:2022 - 2024
Funding: Daimler und Benz Stiftung

Selective publications
  • Engelmann, P., Reinke, M., Stein, C., Salzmann, S., Löwe, B., Toussaint*, A., & Shedden-Mora*, M. (*shared senior authorship) (in press). Psychological Factors Associated With Long COVID: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. eClinical Medicine.


  • Trautmann, S., Muehlhan, M., Berking, M., Miethe, S., Wigger, J., & Dragan, M. (2024). Emotion regulation and psychopathology: investigating differential associations between emotion regulation skills and psychological symptoms using a network approach. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjc.12493
  • Lischke, A., Pahnke, R., Mäder, A., Martin, A., & Meinzer, M. (in press) Improving mentalizing deficits in older age with with region-specific transcranial direct stimulation. GeroScience.
  • Engelmann, P., Reinke, M., Stein, C., Salzmann, S., Löwe, B., Toussaint*, A., & Shedden-Mora*, M. (2024). Psychological Factors Associated With Long COVID: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. eClinical Medicine, 74(102756), Published online July 26. *shared last authorship
  • Borgmann, A., Petrie, K. J., Seewald, A., & Shedden-Mora, M. (2024). Can side effect expectations be assessed implicitly? A comparison of explicit and implicit expectations of vaccination side effects. J Psychosom Res, 179, 111616.
  • Smakowski, A., Hüsing, P., Volcker, S., Löwe, B., Rosmalen, J. G. M., Shedden-Mora*, M., & Toussaint*, A. (2024). Psychological risk factors of somatic symptom disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 181, 111608.
  • Lischke, A., Pahnke, R., Mader, A., Martin, A. K., & Meinzer, M. (2024). Improving mentalizing deficits in older age with region-specific transcranial direct current stimulation. Geroscience, 46(5), 4111-4121.
  • Mundorf, A., Lischke, A., Peterburs, J., Alexander, N., Bonnekoh, L. M., Brosch, K., Flinkenflugel, K., Goltermann, J., Hahn, T., Jansen, A., Meinert, S., Nenadic, I., Schurmeyer, N. N., Stein, F., Straube, B., Thiel, K., Teutenberg, L., Thomas-Odenthal, F., Usemann, P., . . . Ocklenburg, S. (2024). Handedness in schizophrenia and affective disorders: a large-scale cross-disorder study. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci.
  • Müller-Engelmann, M., Bahnemann, L., & Kümmerle, S. (2024). The effects of a combination of cognitive interventions and loving-kindness meditations (C-METTA) on guilt, shame and PTSD symptoms: results from a pilot rand omized controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), 2308439.


  • Miethe, S., Wigger, J., Wartemann, A., & Trautmann, S. (2023). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and its association with rumination, thought suppression and experiential avoidance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45, 480–495.
  • Lotzin, A., Morozova-Larina, O., Paschenko, S., Paetow, A., Schratz, L., Keller, V., & Krupelnytska, L. (2023). War-related stressors and ICD-11 (complex) post-traumatic stress disorders in Ukrainian students living in Kyiv during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Psychiatry Research, 330, 115561.
  • Kenntemich, L., von Hülsen, L., Schäfer, I., Böttche, M., & Lotzin, A. (2023). Profiles of risk factors for depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent class analysis. Psychiatry Research, 323, 115150.
  • Nebe, S., Reutter, M., Baker, D. H., Bolte, J., Domes, G., Gamer, M., Gartner, A., Giessing, C., Gurr, C., Hilger, K., Jawinski, P., Kulke, L., Lischke, A., Markett, S., Meier, M., Merz, C. J., Popov, T., Puhlmann, L. M. C., Quintana, D. S., . . . Feld, G. B. (2023). Enhancing precision in human neuroscience. Elife, 12.


  • Lotzin, A., Hinrichsen, I., Kenntemich, L., Freyberg, R.-C., Lau, W., & O‘Donnell, M. (2022). The SOLAR group program to promote recovery after disaster and trauma – A randomized controlled feasibility trial among German trauma survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14(1), 161-171.
  • Koenig*, J., Lischke*, A., Bardtke, K., Heinze, A. L., Kroller, F., Pahnke, R., & Kaess, M. (2022). Altered psychobiological reactivity but no impairment of emotion recognition following stress in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 273(2), 379-395.
  • Bröning, S., & Wartberg, L. (2022). Attached to your smartphone? A dyadic perspective on perceived partner phubbing and attachment in long-term couple relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 126, 106996.
  • Kürbitz, L., Wiessner, C., Schoon, W., Briken, P., Schöttle, D., & Schröder, J. (2022). Gender differences in the association of psychological distress and sexual compulsivity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 11, 533-543.
  • Bahlinger, K., Lincoln, T. M., & Clamor, A. (2022) Recovery after stress – autonomic and subjective arousal in individuals with psychosis compared to healthy controls. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48: 1373-1383.
  • Barth, L., Kaiser, P. M., Tuncel Langbehn, G., Ruettner, B., & Goetzmann, L. (2022). The inner and the outer foreign territory- A qualitative study measuring ambiguity tolerance within young Muslims living in Germany. Journal of International Migration and Integration


  • Hummel, K., Schellong, J., Trautmann, S., Kummer, S., Hürring, S., Klose, M., Croy, I., Weidner, K., Kirschbaum, C., Steudte-Schmiedgen, S. (2021). The predictive role of hair cortisol concentrations for treatment outcome in PTSD inpatients. Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105326.
  • Weber, M., Schumacher, S., Hannig, W., Barth, J., Lotzin, A., Schäfer, I., Ehring, T., & Kleim, B. (2021). Long-term outcomes of psychological treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.
  • Wittgens C, Fischer MM, Buspavanich P, Theobald S, Schweizer K, Trautmann S (2021). Mental health in people with minority sexual orientations: A meta-analysis of population-based studies. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 145: 357-372.
  • Quintana, D. S., Lischke, A., Grace, S., Scheele, D., Ma, Y., & Becker, B. (2021). Advances in the field of intranasal oxytocin research: lessons learned and future directions for clinical research. Mol Psychiatry, 26(1), 80–91.
  • Furukawa, T.A., Suganuma, A., …, Schröder, J., …, Karyotaki, E., & Cuijpers, P. (2021). Dismantling, optimizing and personalizing internet cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression: A systematic review and individual participant data component network meta-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8, 500-511.


  • Bohus, M., Kleindienst, N., Hahn, C., Müller-Engelmann, M., Ludäscher, P., Steil, R., ... & Schmahl, C. (2020). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (DBT-PTSD) compared with Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) in complex presentations of PTSD in women survivors of childhood abuse: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 77(12), 1235-1245.
  • Schröder, J., Werkle, N., Cludius, B., Jelinek, L., Moritz, S., & Westermann, S. (2020). Unguided Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Depression & Anxiety, 37, 1208-1220.
  • Humer, E., Kocsis-Bogar, K., Berger, T., Schröder, J., Späth, C., Meyer, B., Moritz, S., Lutz, W., Probst, T., & Klein, J.P. (2020). A comparison of the three-year course between chronic depression and depression with multiple vs. few prior episodes. Psychiatry Research, 291, 113235.