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„RESPECT“ (A Prospective Mixed-Methods-REsearch Project on Subjective Birth Experience and PErson-Centred Care in ParenTs and Obstetric Health Care Staff)

Although the majority of parents experience the birth of their child as positive, up to a third of mothers and around a quarter of partners report a negative or even traumatic experience in international studies. In addition to various health and socio-economic factors, the interaction between the woman giving birth, the person accompanying her and the midwives and gynecologists also plays an important role. In Germany, there is a lack of data and results that reflect the personal feelings of partners and the views of obstetric staff.

The aim of the RESPECT study (“A Prospective Mixed-Methods-REsearch Project on Subjective Birth Experience and PErson-centred Care in ParenTs and Obstetric Health Care Staff”) is to systematically investigate the subjective birth experience of (expectant) mothers and their partners using both quantitative and qualitative survey methods. As part of the longitudinal main study RESPECTparents, questionnaire data on the subjective birth experience itself and related factors before, during and after the birth (e.g. mental health, attachment to the child or partnership satisfaction) are collected at four measurement points (T1: late pregnancy, T2: 8 weeks after the birth, T3: 6 months after the birth, T4: 24 months after the birth).

In addition, sub-studies of RESPECT deal with the influence of obstetric staff. Their role is being investigated with qualitative guideline-based interviews with the mothers and their partners (RESPECTparents-talk) and the staff themselves (RESPECTstaff). The aim of the staff survey is to analyze the assessment of their own role and their knowledge and attitudes towards obstetrics from an expert perspective.

The results of the study should contribute to providing meaningful insights into the subjective experience of childbirth in Germany and subsequently provide starting points for measures to improve the care situation, taking into account the needs of (expectant) parents.

Duration of the study: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2025

Project management: Prof. Dr. Susan Garthus-Niegel

Research associates: Bianka Vollert, Dipl.-Psych.; Ionna Hansen, M.Sc., Nina Schurig, M.Sc.; Lara Seefeld, M.Sc.; Ariane Göbel, PhD

Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr. med. Pauline Wimberger (Clinic and Polyclinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of TU Dresden); Prof. Dr. Andreas Seidler (Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of TU Dresden)

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Health

Prof. Dr. Susan Garthus-Niegel
Professur für Epidemiologie und Frauen- & Familiengesundheit

Fon:  040.361 226 40
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