Zeitgenössische Kunst ist global und divers. In Sammlungen, Datenbanken und Forschung sind jedoch vorrangig Werke weißer cis hetero able-bodied Männer mit akademischem Hintergrund vertreten. Für eine repräsentative Perspektive auf Kunst im Hinblick auf Knowledge equity therefore requires intersectional approaches that critically view power structures, include marginalizedperspectives and expand which knowledge is recognized as such.
GAIA is positioned in a post-disciplinary way between art, social and information sciences. The research projectencompasses approaches critical of power as well as the examination of classicism, ableism, psychism, colonialcontinuities, Eurocentrism, and othering processes. The subject of the research is international contemporary art byprofessional, self-taught, and non-artists. Data-scientific methods are used to analyse these and critically examine thesocial and statistical distortions with which image analysis has been associated up to now. In short, how can we view artin an intersectional and thus more objective way?
The aim of the research project is the creation of a diverse digital image data set, the critical examination of a machinelearning prototype for image analysis, and the development of an open methdology tool based on neural networks that isfree of distortions and allows an intersectional analysis of visual art. In order to critically examine whether this issuccessful, metadata, reviews and tagging are linked and analysed using linked data as reference points for the work andthe artist.